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2nd Civil Affairs Company
2nd Civil Affairs Company


   The 2nd Civil Affairs Company was activated and staffed for the fourth time from Carrier Status on the 23 May 1996  at Fort Gordon in Augusta, Georgia.


  The  2nd Civil Affairs Company  (2nd CA)  was assigned to the 95th Civil Affairs Group also at Fort Gordon which then included: HHC, 95th CA and the 42nd Civil Affairs Company.


   The 2nd Civil Affairs Company was deactivated in Vietnam on  July 27, 1971  as part of  Withdrawal Increment VIII.   The total time  "in-country" was 1,711 days.

                                                                   Site Started: 11-May-2008


  Our Lineage Successor -  the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) (Special Operations) was activated at Fort Bragg on 14 October 2011.

Last Rev: 11-Nov-2024


Presentation of the RVN Civil Action Medal


     In the fall of 1966,  the 2nd CA deployed to Vietnam where it was assigned to Headquarters, Second Field Force - Vietnam (II-FFV).  The II-FFV was the U.S. Army corps-level headquarters that controlled the operations of U.S. Army divisions and separate brigades in the  III Corps Tactical Zone (III-CTZ) and the  IV Corps Tactical Zone (IV-CTZ) of the Republic of Viet Nam (RVN).


     The 2nd CA Headquarters and Base Camp was located at the Plantation Compound (click the Link to the Map below and then go to YT 046 104) along with the Headquarters of II-FFV. The Plantation was located on the east side of Highway 1A (later redesignated as Highway # 316) and north of the road junction with Highway QL 15 (the Bien Hoa - Long Thanh - Vung Tau road).  The Plantation was east of Bien Hoa and east south east of the runways at Bien Hoa Air Force Base and north of the Long Binh Logistics Base.

Map - 2nd Civil Affairs HQ at Plantation Base, Long Binh - 1971

     "The Mission"  of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company was  “To Seal the Victory”   in the secure areas of Vietnam by   “Winning the Hearts and Minds" of the Vietnamese people.  To help the  Vietnamese civilian population improve the quality of their lives and to try to persuade the Vietnamese to support their nationally elected government - the Government of Vietnam (GVN) in Saigon.

     Civil Affairs Soldiers were once officially described as: 'specially trained soldiers' who were 'culturally oriented and linguistically capable' to provide 'functional expertise about civilians' and civil operations to the 'U.S. commanders of direct action missions or unconventional warfare operations' as well as  to assist the  GVN  internal defense operations  Woh !, I am glad someone else could write this, I was there in '66 and '67 and I personally could not have written this 'word salad'.


Unit Organization

     The Table of Organization & Equipment (TOE 41-500-D) for the 2nd Civil Affairs changed several times - officially and provisionally (Prov) in Vietnam. The original organizational concept was similar to the U.S. Army Special Forces unit configurations. There were: "C" Detachments (CA Group Headquarters - 95th Civil Affairs Group), "B" Detachments (CA Company Headquarters - 2nd CA), "AA Platoons" (Team AA - Platoon Headquarters) and "A Teams" (special function teams within a Company).

     The original configuration of the 2nd CA at Fort Gordon consisted of a Company Headquarters with a Switchboard Operations Team, a Mess Team, an Automotive Maintenance Team plus three Team AA Platoon Headquarters and functional teams: one Public Safety Team,  one Civilian Supply Team, two Public Welfare Teams, at least one Food & Agriculture Team and at least one Public Health Team.  Other recent roster data suggests that other teams were authorized but never activated for Civilian Supply & Transport, for Public Finance and for Public Works & Utilities as well as possible second teams for Public Health and for Food & Agriculture. Other teams may have been authorized but were never staffed and are now forgotten.

The Company Colors   (ammended Branch and Insignia:  11 Nov 2024)

     The first enlisted men assigned to the unit were the Supply Sergeant and the Supply Clerk.  A very proper assignment by the U.S. Army.  In late May and early June, they requisitioned every item authorized in the TO&E including the 2nd CA Guidon.  Ultimately, the brand this new Guidon was received in September 1966.



     However, during the early summer of 1966,  the 2nd CA Company Headquarters received an unanticipated phone call from Fort Bragg indicating that "the original" 2nd Civil Affairs Guidon was then at Fort Bragg, NC.  So the 2nd CA's Commanding Officer, the First Sergeant and the Supply Sergeant traveled to Fort Bragg where they were officially presented with the original 2nd Civil Affairs Guidon from our former senior unit - the 6th Special Forces Group (Airborne).

    Ultimately, the 2nd CA would have two Guidon Flags - the Original Guidon from 1962 from our first senior unit - 5th SFG and years later, it was retrieved from the Carrier Status Storage from our immediate former senior unit  - 6th SFG also at Fort Bragg  and  then  Original Guidon  carried overseas by the Main Body arriving in Vietnam on December 6, 1966 while the  New Guidon  was brought ashore in Vietnam by the  Second Increment  on 22 March 1967.  Our unit was finally whole and complete.  Our  Second Increment Brothers,  who were left behind for Special AIT Training,  were most welcome with their special training as  Medics  and  for Vehicle Maintenance but the  most important  was a  U.S. Soldier with Linguistic Skill who spoke Vietnamese and thus he could be 'trusted' with local liason.

     Every 'Branch of the U.S. Army'  has its own colors for the  Unit's Guidon Flag  and the  Branch Colors of Civil Affairs  are   Purple  and White.  The Purple signifies Loyalty and Patience.  While the White is used in the insignia and signifies the five virtues of Humility, Beauty, Purity, Clarity, and Innocence.


    The Branch Insignia is a composed of  White Crest  and the elements are:  the Scroll represents the application of Law and Justice in civil affairs activities;  theSword represents the ability to provide Military Support in re-establishing civil government  and  the Torch represents the Statue of Liberty and the Spirit of Democracy in the United States. The World Globe is in the background.


    The Civil Affairs branch colors were approved in June 1956, ten months after the branch was established as a Reserve Component before the Civil Affairs Branch became an Active Component of the U.S. Army.. 

Standing Up the Unit


     A few early arriving Officers, NCOs and Enlisted Men reported for duty in late May 1966 just before Memorial Day while many others arrived in the first week of June 1966.  Soon thereafter, most of the Officers attended the U.S. Army Civil Affairs School at Fort Gordon while the Enlisted Members had orientation and training in the company area.  Vietnamese language classes were taught at least four nights per week.  The months of August, September and part of October were spent on Company Field Training and Team Building Exercises.  The original TO&E had 22 Officers and 70 Enlisted Men.


     The 2nd CA's original TO&E was first modified In June 1966 when the Automotive Maintenance Team (Team DA) was told to 'turn-in'  their brand new tool kits and wrenches before the team was ever fully staffed.  The loss of the automotive maintenance tools would plague the unit for many years.  In early October 1966, the Mess Detachment (Team CA) was told they would not be deploying with the unit and that they would be disbanded after the Main Body departed for Vietnam – one cook volunteered and did deployed with the 2nd CA when they changed his MOS.  The Public Safety Team (Team MC) may have also been disbanded at this time because the Public Safety Team Leader became the Executive Officer (XO) and the original Executive Officer became the new Operations Officer (S-3). The authorized number of platoons (Team AA - Platoon Headquarters) may have increased from the original three to at least five.  Other teams were certainly contemplated but never staffed by the Department of the Army (DOA).  The names of the other officers and their branches (Engineers, Finance Corps as well as a second Medical Doctor) were known but these officers never reported for duty. Hopefully, the Company Commander was aware of the DOA changes but he certainly did not communicate these changes to the junior members of his staff.

     In May of 1966,  the 2nd CA Supply Section had requisitioned only thirteen Jeeps (M-151s) along with their companion 1/4 ton Trailers (M416s), seven 3/4 ton Trucks (M-37s) and  three 2-1/2 ton trucks (M-35s).  During the standing up and summer field training exercises, the 2nd CA had only one very well used M-151 Jeep, plus three or four of the M-37 (3/4 ton) trucks which may have been resurrected from salvage disposal and our three once brand new M-35 (2-1/2 ton) trucks.  The night before the Equipment Convoy was scheduled to leave for the port of embarkation, the Fort Gordon Post levied the missing vehicles from other units on the post.  Although Radios were requisitioned stateside, they were never issued and not one vehicle had a vehicle mounted AN-VRC53 radio (when removed from the mount, it was called an AN-PRC25).  The majority of the additional vehicles were received between Midnight and 0230 Hours on the same day that the 2nd CA's Equipment Convoy would Motor March to the port of embarkation at Savannah.  The Convoy departed  'on time'  at 0600 Hours with at least 26 Jeeps (M151s), 13 of the ¾ ton Trucks (M-37s) and our original three once brand new 2-1/2 ton Trucks (M-35s).  (SNAFU).  The Padlock Keys for the brand new beautiful Brass Padlocks on the Battery Boxes were not supplied by the  Fort Gordon Transportation Motor Pool (TMP).  Naturally, the U.S. Navy Crew did 'cut the brand new Brass Padlocks'  to disconnect the vehicle battery posts and to cosmoline them while in-transit.  (FUBAR) 

     None-the-less, the first elements of the Company began deployment to Vietnam in October and November of 1966. The authorized size of the unit was certainly increased in October 1966 when additional NCOs and Enlisted Men arrived just before the Main Body departed.  Additional 'combat gear and weapons' were being requisitioned and issued while all of the other equipment was being packed and crated for shipment overseas.


     Some additional NCO's and Enlisted Men were assigned to the unit in late October but were not Civil Affairs trained.  These late arriving members were called the “Second Increment”.  Simultaneously, two 1st Lieutenants became non-deployable because they were then “90 Days Losses”.  One Lieutenant became the  Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of training of the “Second Increment”.

The Deployment to Vietnam

     The Equipment Group was the first element to depart from Fort Gordon at Augusta, Georgia.  During the Summer of 1966,  the Company had just one Jeep (M-151),  just three or four 3/4 Tons Trucks (M-37) and three brand new 2-1/2 Ton Trucks (M-35 multi-fuel).  The evening before and in the dark early hours of the morning before  the Equipment Group  was to depart for the port of embarkation,  the Fort Gordon Supply Group levied the missing vehicles and equipment from other units on base.  The Company departed with at least 26 Jeeps, 13  M-37s - 3/4 Ton Trucks and 3  M-35s - 2-1/2 Ton Trucks but without certain authorized TO&E equipment (AN/VRC 53 Radios, M-79 Grenade Launchers and others miscellaneous tools).  The Company’s Equipment was convoyed to Savannah, Georgia where the vehicles and ConEx Containers (12 ±) were loaded onto the USNS LT. George W.G. Boyce (T-AK-251) (a Military Sea Transport Service ship with a DOD civilian crew - retired Navy). The ship departed on or after October 15, 1966  sailing first to Norfolk, VA  to pick up additional deck cargo, thence via the Mediterranean Sea and through the Suez Canal, stopping at the Port of Aden in Yemen for refueling,  then steaming to Nha Trang to off load deck cargo and the ship finally arrived at Saigon at the Cholon Docks, in the old French Pier area, in the first week of December 1966 and before the Main Body arrived. 


     The Vehicle unloading started around 1700 Hours and it was completed by 0400 Hours on a very hot and very humid night that made life in the 'Cargo Hole' of the equipment ship a 'once in a lifetime experience' that will never be forgotten.  The next morning, our vehicles were driven to the Plantation Base Camp by members of the 53rd Signal Battalion because our Main Body was still in-transit to Vietnam.  The 'organized convoy' soon became separated by the civilian traffic in downtown Saigon and the Saigon Police Traffic Directors (White Mice) with their always confusing hand signals which no one ever understood, much less obeyed.  The Convoy's Road March can best described as a 'pedal to the metal' sprint up Highway 1A to the Plantation. Although we had proceeded with all possible due haste, our ARVN allies  (Army Republic of Viet Nam) with their older gasoline powered 'Deuce 'n Hafs' always sped past our brand new multi-fuel diesel counterparts. The ARVN drivers had disabled the governors on their gasoline engines.  Someone always 'Brings up the Rear' looking for disabled vehicles and road wrecks but all of our vehicles and equipment safely arrived at the Plantation despite their 'wild ride'.


     The Main Body departed Fort Gordon on 8 Nov 1966 and they flew from Augusta, Georgia to San Francisco and thence by vehicle over the Bay Bridge to the Oakland Army Base and onto the USNS General W.S. Gordon (T-AP-117). The troop ship departed Oakland on 9 Nov 1966 and once the ship cleared "the 12 Mile Limit", the U.S. Territorial Waters Claim, your tour time commenced on 9 Nov 1666.  The ship then sailed across the Pacific, with a unplanned detour to Okinawa for a medical evacuation and then continued on with planned stops at Da Nang, Qui Nhon, Cam Ranh Bay before reaching Vung Tau on 6 Dec 1966.  Everyone really appreciated being off the ship and onto dry land after 28 days on the high seas. The Main Body was air-lifted from Vung Tau to Bien Hoa Airfield by USAF C-123s. Between the C-123's Rear Ramp and the first Jeep,  the Operations Officer (S-3) requested beer and booze refreshments for everyone because the trip across the Pacific Ocean had been very long and the "boat was dry". The Main Body had finally arrived  "in-country"  was at the Plantation Base Camp on  6 Dec 1966  along with the 2nd CA's original Guidon. 


     The Advance Party  - the last to leave and the first to arrive - departed Georgia on or after  18 Nov 1966,  flying from Augusta to Atlanta, through Dallas, and unto San Francisco via commercial airliner.  The Advance Party transferred to chartered Boeing 707 (a Piedmont-Northwest Orient Airlines 707) at Travis AFB near Stockton, CA which flew to Seattle, then to Tokyo (the Japanese Government did not allow the Advance Party to get off the plane because they did not want their Sacred Soil stained by American Soldiers going to Vietnam)  thence to Tan Son Nhut Airport at Saigon arriving after midnight on 19 Nov 1966.  The Advance Party stayed at the famous (or infamous) 'tent-city' called Camp Alpha on a hot, steamy, smelly night. Welcome to Vietnam !    The travel time was estimated at  27 Hours (±).

      The 'Quiet of the First Night' was soon shattered when a "VC Rat" ran down the top of the mosquito netting - a branch of the Ho Chi Minh Trail - and then "pissed upon the occupant" of the upper bunk rack at the  Five Star Tent City Hotel  named 'Camp Alpha'.  Our first few hours 'in-country' were soon shattered with the 'non-traditional'  and 'unanticipated urinary attack'  which was never discussed in stateside training. (added - Dec 2022).

Getting Started  and  the First Year

     The Advance Party moved from Camp Alpha to the Plantation Base Camp in Long Binh where it was hosted and assisted by the 53rd Signal Battalion before the arrival of our Main Body and the building of our base camp facilities. Our base camp neighbor, the 9th Transportation Company (Airborne) shared their mess facilities for more than five years with the 2nd CA Headquarters Detachment  as well as  with numerous unanticipated visiting members of our platoons.  Thank You,  to all.

     The Mailing Address was  APO SF 96266  and the unit identification code was WA8GAA.  The original Telephone Number was  Hurricane 145  which was replaced by Plantation 5355 and 5716 in the later years.  The establishment of a Radio Net was avoided in 1966-1967  but  an unauthorized Radio Call Sign  was "Plantation 54".

     When the Advance Party arrived, the 2nd CA Company Commander "Reported To"  the Commanding General of II-FFV (the CG was a 3-Star LT GEN) and the C.O. of the 2nd CA was told (VOCG - Verbal Orders of the Commanding General) that the unit would not function as organized and trained in the U.S.A. to work on an 'area basis'.  Instead, the 2nd CA Platoons would be attached to the headquarters of the maneuver brigades in the III and IV Corps Tactical Zones (III-CTZ and IV-CTZ) of Vietnam which were in the Second Field Force Vietnam (II-FFV) Area of Operations (AO). 

     From the original stateside configuration of three platoons and several specialists teams, the 2nd CA was initially re-organized into 7 platoons and then over the next two weeks, it was expanded again to 11 platoons, then to 13 platoons - all of which were deployed by 15 Dec 1966.  The 14th Platoon was formed on 27 Jan 1967 and attached to Australian Task Force, Vietnam.

     Included in this USARV locally directed reorganization were the three Displaced Persons Teams (Team VA - # 2, 7, 14) from the 41st Civil Affairs Company who were initially "fully attached" to the 2nd CA in December 1966 but it took until the end of July 1967 for the U.S. Army's official paperwork to catch up and then these Teams were finally "officially transferred into" the 2nd CA.  In the summer of 1967, some new arriving 2nd CA Lieutenants who were CA School Trained   were soon transferred to the 41st CA.  While most of the original 41st CA Men continued to work with 1st Infantry Division although officers and men from both units were intermixed to share and to gain experience.  The six Officers and four Enlisted Men from the 41st CA were welcomed and well respected as seasoned veterans with at least three and up to twelve months of successful and pioneering CA field operations with Revolutionary Task Force sponsored by the U.S. 1st Infantry Division.


     The Second Increment which was left behind at Fort Gordon, Georgia so they could be trained as Medics and Linguists finally departed for RVN on or after February 16, 1967. They sailed across the broad Pacific aboard the USNS General William Weigle (T-AP-119) and came ashore at Vung Tau on 22 March 1967 after 22 days on the high seas.  Our brothers were welcomed  Our first family was complete and finally together again.



     The brand new 2nd CA Guidon flag which had been ordered through the normal supply channels finally arrived at Fort Gordon sometime in October 1966.  It was intentionally left behind in the care of the Second Increment at Fort Gordon.  This was a "Team Building Decision" so that the Members of the Second Increment could identify with and feel part of the unit that they would later join in the fields of Vietnam. The Second Increment carried their 2nd CA Guidon flag ashore with them on March 22, 1967.

     When the fifty-two Men, three NCOs, and one Officer finally rejoined the Company,  each platoon was selectively augmented and rounded out so that every platoon had at least one NCO, one Medic, one Admin Specialist and a Linguist - an American Soldier who spoke Vietnamese, a brother who we could  really trust  as our interpreter.


Changes during the First Year


     On 13 April 1967, USARV authorized every unit then in-country two additional TO&E slots to support the U.S. Army's TAERS program (The Army's   Equipment Reporting System) with the addition of slots for a Maintenance Records Clerk  and  for a Repair Parts Clerk but they did not increase any unit's TO&E strength.  At this point in time, the 2nd CA's did not have an authorized  Maintenance Team  much less any slots for Vehicle Mechanics or even a Maintenance Team Leader.  None-the-less, the Company was officially commended on 27 July 1967 in the Inspector General's (IG) Report for our new Vehicle Maintenance Building with our unique  'drive-over'  work pit and for our successful vehicle maintenance program with "borrowed" tools.


     The Second Increment staffing authorization also included an additional twenty-six officers who began to arrive on or after 1 July 1967  either in small groups or individually. The Company's Table of Organization & Equipment (TO&E) varied over the years (MTOE) but the typical "Morning Report" strength had 48 Officers and 124 Enlisted Men.

     During the summer of 1967,  while our first year in-country (1966-1967) was coming to an end,  an additional eight platoons (15th - 22nd Platoons) were created with arrival of the new officers and the splitting up of the now seasoned 2nd CA personnel.  By the end of August 1967, twenty-two AA Platoons had been staffed and deployed.  We were finally at full strength.

     Between the 17th and 25th of November 1967,  the Company staffed seven "CA Teams" (Nos. 31-37) to work with the MACV's Province Senior Advisors (PSA).  Each "CA Team" was staffed with one officer and two enlisted men. The CA Teams may have been created and functioned as transition cadre in anticipation of the reassignment of the platoons from the Brigades to the MACV Advisory Teams.


     The "Periodic Civil Affairs Report - 1 Feb 68 to 29 Feb 68" from the Headquarters, 2nd Civil Affairs Company  refers to  "26 AA Platoons/Teams" in the field during that month.

Esprit-de-corps  ( added  -  Jan 2010 )

    Soon after our first year "in-country" ended on 6 Dec 1967,  the Company reported in January 1968 that  58 Men  had extended their foreign service tours and this represented almost 40% of the 146 original members of the Main Body and Second Increment.  Truly amazing !

So "What did we really do ?" when we were attached to the Brigades ?

The Accomplishments

     First and most important,  the Mission of the Company would not have been accomplished without the outstanding work of the Enlisted Members of the Platoons and the Teams. The NCOs, the Medics, the Linguists, the Drivers, the Mechanics and the Clerks of the Platoons and Teams always did more than one job and could be counted on to meet or exceed expectations. Their great work must be acknowledged. "Thank You"  to all for your dedication and doing a great job.

Participation in Tactical Operations     ( added -  Feb  2010 )

     In the commendation above, USARV said " the  support  rendered  by the men to tactical units during numerous major combat operations"...

     Please take a minute and think about - what you did, where you were and just   " How many 'non-combat' units ever lived, worked, ate and slept with the U.S. Infantry battalions 'in the field'  for weeks at a time ? ".


     In early 1967, II-FFV conducted multi-divisional operations against VC Main Force units and NVA Regiments in the "Iron Triangle" - an area which the French never entered when it was part of War Zone "C".   Multiple 2nd CA Platoons were there and they assisted with the movement of 'Refugees' (GVN supporter) and 'Evacuees' (hostage VC families) as well as with the collecting, warehousing and redistribution of food stocks captured during major operations.  Operation Cedar Falls was started in January 6, 1967 and it was conducted by the U.S. 1st and 25th Infantry Divisions supported by the 11th Armored Cavalry along with augmentation from the 173rd Airborne which lasted for 20 days.

     Operation Junction City was started on February 22, 1967 with an Parachute Assault Landing by reinforced battalion from the 173rd Airborne Brigade to secure the Landing Zone (LZ) for helicopter insertion of the other 173rd battalions who acted as the operation's blocking force.  Ultimately, a total of 22 U.S. maneuver battalions from the U.S. 1st, 4th and 25th Infantry Divisions along with augmentation from the 196th Light Infantry Brigade as well as from the 11th Armored Cavalry with their armored cavalry squadrons (battalion size units) - all of whom participated in Operation Junction City which lasted for 83 days.  And ten of the then fourteen 2nd CA platoons were there too.

Operation JUNCTION CITY 22 February-15 April 1967 | 16th Infantry Regiment  Association

(added - 21 Jan 2023 - Maps courtesy of the 14th Infantry Regiment Association)    

  VC is an abbreviation Viet Cong - normally composed of South Vietnamese men and women who were 'day time farmers' and 'night time fighters'. While NVA is an abbreviation for a regular unit of the North Vietnamese Army who infiltrated down the Ho Chi Minh trail from North Vietnam into South Vietnam.

     The Civil Affairs Activities for Cedar Falls were planned and coordinated by the U.S. 1st Infantry Division's Revolutionary Development Task Force (call sign Helper 6). A total of 5,987 persons were "evacuated" (582 men, 1,651 women, and 3,754 children) - many of whom were the family members of the local VC units. In addition, 247 water buffalo, 225 head of cattle, 158 oxcarts, and 60 tons of rice were moved to ARVN controlled resettlement sites.  Some "evacuees" were moved by Chinooks, others by ARVN river boats while other were escorted out on foot.  The NVA-VC Headquarters in, around and under the village of Ben Suc along with their underground tunnel complex (>5,000 meters) were destroyed by the 1st Engineer Battalion after the evacuations were complete.

     In addition, there were also extended duration provincial clearing operations: Kole-Kole by the 25th Division, Enterprise by the 9th Division, Shenandoah by the 1st Division,  Uniontown and Fairfax by the 199th Brigade and  Manhattan by the 25th Division.  All of these 'cordon and search operations' went on for months at a time with numerous Civic Action projects.

Typical Civil Affairs Platoon Activities during a month   (added - 1 Jan 2014 )

     The activities of individual platoons varied on a location by location basis and by the local security in an area.  In general, the 2nd CA Platoon activities were:  (-1-) to assist Refugees (GVN supporters) fleeing their homes during and after battles, to help victims of natural disasters (monsoon and typhoon), to provide Refugees with food, temporary shelter, to help rebuild damaged homes and then to encourage the Refugees that it was safe to return home, to assist with the resettlement of Evacuees (VC families and supporters) after tactical operations,  (-2-) to coordinate and to insure that other Allied unit civic action projects conformed to the province's master plan,  (-3-)  to assist in acquiring and the delivery of construction materials for civic action projects,  (-4-)  to plan and coordinate MedCAPs (Medical Civic Action Programs),  (-5-)  to assist with development of local business projects and to improve agricultural production,  (-6-)  to conduct hamlet surveys and specials studies for MACV-CORDS,  (-7-)  to advise and assist the GVN with the elimination of corruption within their own administration,  (-8-)  to encourage and monitor village self-help projects, (-9-) to assist in the erection of village school buildings and to develop educational programs, (-10-) to get Vietnamese to participate in their own self-help civic action programs, (-11-) to promote public information (Psy Ops) to get Evacuees (VC supporters) to support the GVN and (-12-) to do what others, would not do.  But the most important personal daily task was to maintain your own 'short time' calendar.


Bamboo huts in flames in Ben Suc, a Viet Cong-controlled village, in January 1967.

'Zippo Lighter Fire Team'  may have unknowingly torched a Friendly Hamlet

occupied by the  VC-NVA  for local Fire Fight.

The Civic Action Project began a few Days After

with a Civil Affairs Platoon gathering of materials and manpower to rebuild a friendly village.

(Location and Date Unknown)

Hamlet Surveys   vs.  Body Counts   (added - 13 Dec 2013 )


     Major tactical units often evaluated battlefield success by "body counts"  As the war progressed, the accuracy (or inflation) of the "body count" statistics was often questioned even by division and corps commanders.  Some enemy units were statistically destroyed three times yet the enemy unit continued to exist.  "Body Counts" often effected senior officer promotions !

      Beginning in 1967,  MAC-V CORDS  (Military Assistance Command - Vietnam)   (Civil Operations and Rural Development Support) began compiling the Hamlet Evaluation Survey data (HES) on a monthly and a quarterly basis by rating of the pacification status of the hamlets, villages and districts throughout the Republic of Vietnam (RVN).   Each province, district, village and hamlet in South Vietnam was given a unique HES identification number and based upon "UTM coordinates" because the hamlets and villages often had the same or similar names.  With the cooperation of RVN officials (often less than fully truthful),  U.S. District Senior Advisors (DSA) answered multiple choice questionnaire about the military, political, and economic status of each hamlet under their supervision at monthly intervals.  In short, the HES was intended to be a cross-section and a time-series data set that measured over 14,000 villages, hamlets and district units on a monthly time basis.

     The 2nd CA Platoons often conducted the hamlet surveys and even performed some 'Census Grievance' surveys.  Basically, it was hoped a family member would 'rat out' another family member who was a VC supporter and they would ultimately become a candidate for an interview by the Phoenix Team.

     The Hamlet Evaluation Surveys were an attempt to measure the relationship between the ARVN's daytime control and nighttime security of an area versus the enemy's nighttime ability to move unreported through an area or to initiate violent acts in any area of South Vietnam.  It was hoped that the HES could identify the factors that could predicted US-RVN control of an area during the Vietnam War.  Ultimately, NVA T-54 Tanks negated all of the civic action works and HES data when the Republic of Vietnam surrendered and ceased to exist on April 30, 1975.

Analysis of the 2nd CA Monthly Activity Reports by USARV 


     By the end of September 1967, USARV had completed a study to determine the most effective utilization of the three Civil Affairs companies then 'in-country'. The study even questioned "the need for and the continued existence of the three CA companies" as well as the need for a fourth CA company then being considered but which had been placed 'on hold' pending the results of the study. The final report recommended the orderly and phased transfer of all Civil Affairs platoons and teams "to the field advisors" to be started in and completed by the end of the first quarter of 1968  which was then ordered by USARV. 


TET  and a change of the mission  After TET  (revised - 11 Nov 2013 )

     The VC-NVA began their  TET Offensive  during the early morning hours of 31 January 1968  and  it soon became a major tactical battlefield defeat for the VC-NVA forces.  Most Platoon locations and the Company Headquarters at the Plantation were attacked by VC-NVA infantry assaults


     Major battles raged across South Vietnam from the initial assaults thru February 1968 and well into March 1968 when the final tactical victories were achieved over the VC-NVA attackers. Traditional civic actions were delayed while all of the 2nd CA Platoons performed Refugee Assistance missions by providing food and building materials to the Vietnamese people.


     The Republic of Vietnam awarded their Civil Action Medal, First Class (pictured above) to the 2nd Civil Affairs Company for their services rendered to the People of Vietnam in the III Corps Tactical Zone - during and after the 1968 TET offensive.  Regretfully, the 2nd CA Platoons in the I-CTZ and in the IV CTZ were not specifically mentioned in the citation.


2d Civil Affairs Company - Shirt Pocket Metal Badge (UA) circa 1968



Military Assistance Command, Vietnam  (MAC-V) (MACV)


     General Order No. 205  from  Headquarters, II Field Force Vietnam  dated 8 March 1968  confirmed the previous verbal order of the  Commanding General, II-FFV effective on 1 March 1968, which "DETACHED" the seventeen "Team AA - Platoons Headquarters" from previous tactical unit attachments in III-CTZ and IV-CTZ as well as the seven CA Teams then attached to selected senior province advisors called "CA Team 31" through "CA Team 37" and reassigned them as "Generalist AA Platoons" to the direct support of provincial revolutionary development projects. 


     On March 1, 1968, the 2nd Civil Affairs Company was officially reorganized into 19 "Team AA Platoon Headquarters" in Direct Support of selected MACV Province Senior Advisors (PSA) with a reconfigured  Company Headquarters (Team AB), a reactivated Civilian Supply Team (BB), a new Civilian Supply & Transport Team (BE),  a reestablished Automotive Maintenance Team (DA) as well as the original  Public Health Team (NA) which was always authorized but was not always staffed with a U.S. Army Medical Doctor. The authorized MTOE staffing was 48 Officers plus 124 Enlisted Men  and  the number of authorized vehicles was increased to 59.

     When the 2nd CA Platoons were withdrawn from the U.S. and the Allied brigades, the platoons were RENUMBERED and then were ATTACHED to work for the MAC-V's Province Senior Advisors (PSA) and to assist with the implementation of the CORDS Program (Civil Operations and Revolutionary  {"Rural" name changed in 1970}  Development Support). The Mission of  CORDS  was: (1) to eliminate the Viet Cong Insurgency (VCI) in South Vietnam {via Project Phoenix with the mission to assist the U.S. State Department's  C.I.A.-P.R.U.  (Central Intelligence Agency - Provincial Reconnaissance Unit) (aka the guys in the Black Uniforms - without Name Tags) to capture and to interrogate or to execute the senior VC leadership} (after 1970, to train the ARVN to execute the missions), (2)  to end the Viet Cong's ability to recruit in South Vietnam and (3) to recruit Vietnamese and indigenous tribes to take up arms against the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army (NVA).

     MACV had advisory teams with the major ARVN units.  There were other MACV advisors who were assigned on an 'area basis' and they were led by the Province Senior Advisor (PSA).  The PSAs advised the GVN's provincial governments and there were also small 6-10 man U.S. Army Mobile Advisory Teams (MATs) who advised the local RF-PF (Regional Force - Popular Force) units, the CIDG (Civilian Irregular Defense Group) units and the RD (Revolutionary Development) Cadre.  The Popular Force (PF) units were essentially hamlet or town self-defense militias  and  the Regional Force (RF) units were the district or area response teams.  "To Win the Hearts and the Minds",  you really need to get the material and other assistance down to the Vietnamese people who live in the small hamlets and villages.


     There was at least one 2nd CA Platoon with each province advisory team in the III-CTZ.  Some of the more populated provinces had more than one 2nd CA Platoon attached and then one of the 2nd CA platoons usually worked at the PSA Headquarters location while the other 2nd CA Platoon(s) usually worked with one of the PSA's SubSector (District) Teams. Sometimes the 2nd CA Platoons were relocated from one MACV SubSector (District) Team to another within the same province while others stayed at the same location for years.  And when the need was determined to be greater elsewhere, the 2nd CA Platoons were moved from one province to another province.  In November 1968, three 2nd CA platoons were sent by USARV from the III-CTZ  to assist in the  I-CTZ.

     In March 1968, three platoons (22nd, 21st and ??) were deactivated as part of the reorganization - possibly to provide for the manpower to staff the new or reactivated functional teams.  At the same time, all of the remaining platoons were "renumbered".  The original 20th Platoon with the 1st Infantry Division at Quan Loi was renumbered as the new 10th Platoon while the original 10th Platoon with the 25th Infantry Division at Dau Tieng was renumbered as the new 18th Platoon.  The reason for and the choice of the new numbers for every platoon is not discernible today. The "renumbering" may have been an innovative accomplishment for a member of a G-5 Staff who received an  upgraded medal  for his creative and his meritorious work. None-the-less, we are still seeking any information about the MACV attachments and the locations of the 11th, 15th and 17th Platoons - before their deployment to the I-CTZ.

     On 6 June 1968, the 2nd Civil Affairs Company was officially transferred from II-FFV and reported directly to the United States Army Vietnam (USARV).  And a few months later on 28 September 1968,  the 2nd CA was transferred from USARV back to the II-FFV.  These changes in the 'Chain of Command' had no effect on platoon operations, however, a significant amount of paper work was created for the Administrative Section (S-1) of the 2nd CA's Headquarters Detachment.  Your promotions may have been delayed at a higher headquarters but your R&R and DEROS dates were definitely not delayed at Company Headquarters.


     In July 1968,  the 2nd CA's TO&E  was modified by the U.S. Army, Pacific to add one Construction Engineering Officer to each Civil Affairs Platoon.


Three Platoons were sent up north to I-CTZ  ( revised   2 Jan 2012 )


     In 1968, a higher headquarters determined there was a need for additional Refugee Assistance Teams in the First Corps Tactical Zone (I-CTZ).  In late November 1968,  our 11th, 15th  and  17th Platoons  (totaling 6 officers and 12 enlisted men) were sent to Da Nang in I-CTZ to work with the U.S. Marines and with MACV Advisory Teams in the I-CTZ.  Some of the Officers and Men accompanied their equipment on a U.S. Navy LST (Landing Ship, Tank) while a few others flew up north to Da Nang.  The three platoons reported for duty on 1 December 1968. Their initial deployment may have been contemplated as a short duration 180 day TDY assignment with the 29th Civil Affairs


     The 11th Platoon was sent north to Dong Ha (the first South Vietnamese town just south of the DMZ) in Quang Tri Province which was in the Area of Operations (AO) of the then newly formed XXIV (24th) Corps which assumed Op Con of the 11th Platoon.  The 15th and 17th Platoons were sent south to Mo Duc and Nghia Hanh (Nghia Hanh is one of several locations claiming to have been the birthplace of Ho Chi Minh - the leader of North Vietnam) both towns are in Quang Ngai Province - the southern most province in the I-CTZ  which was then under the Operation Control of the USMC's Third Amphibious Force (3-MAF).


       When the 29th Civil Affairs Company was deployed to Da Nang, VN in 1965, it was officially attached to the U.S. Army's 1st Logistics  Command (1st Log) because there were no major U.S. Army ground combat units in the I-CTZ.  The 29th CA's Platoons and Teams  as well as  the 2nd CA's  11th, 15th and 17th Platoons  plus four more TDY platoons  from the 41st CA  were really under  the Operational Control (Op Con) of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Third Marine Amphibious Force (III-MAF or 3 MAF) (the controlling Corps Headquarters for both the USMC 1st and 3rd Divisions as well as for all of the U.S. Army units in the I-CTZ). However, when the extent of the refugee situation was fully assessed, these three platoons were then fully attached on written orders {USARV GO 2086} to the U.S. Army's 1st Logistics Command with a 'thru and to orders' from the U.S. Army Support Command Da Nang and finally to the Op Con of the 29th Civil Affairs Company (29th CA) on 23 May 1969


     During August 1969,  the USARV directed the 2nd Civil Affairs Company to create their own in-house training unit - our own Civil Affairs Functional Affairs Specialist Team (CA-FAST) to provide training for all newly assigned company personnel in grades "O-3 and below" because most of the men (80%) assigned to the 2nd CA did not attend the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs School at Fort Gordon, Georgia.  The Training Team was to be commanded by a Captain with the assistance of four technical service Lieutenants plus two ARVN NCO Interpreters who conducted courses in: Language and Cultural Affairs, Economic Development (CE), Public Administration (AG), Public Safety (MP) and Food & Agriculture (QM).  However, several positions were most often staffed with either Air-Defense Artillery or Armor or Infantry Lieutenants.


2nd Civil Affairs Company - Shirt Pocket Cloth Patch (UA) circa 1969



When the supply of the original metal badges was exhausted,

replica cloth patches were made and sold by

the Vietnamese Barber at the Plantation's Barber Shop.

Note the addition of the letter "N" in the  2nd.


      In January 1970,  the 2nd Civil Affair Company was advised that it would be deactivated on 26 February 1970 as part of a Withdrawal Increment III. Accordingly, on 25 January 1970,   five platoons (8th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 13th) stood down,  turned in their equipment and the personnel were reassigned to other II-FFV units.  However on  3 February 1970, CORDS requested that the CG of II-FFV verbally rescind the stand down orders.  The platoons returned to their previous locations and were reattached to the MACV Provincial Advisory Teams.  Reacquiring their equipment was difficult.

     On 1 March 1970, the 29th CA was transferred from the operational control of the USMC's Third Marine Amphibious Force (III-MAF) and was assigned to the U.S. Army's XXIV (24th) Corps. At almost the same time, the XXIV Corps relocated from Phu Bai to Da Nang.

     The plans for the U.S. Withdrawal Increment III included the deactivation of our 11th, 15th  and 17th  Platoons (as well as eight other CA Platoons that were also in I-CTZ - four from the 41st CA and the once independent 51st, 52nd, 53rd and 54th CA Platoons).  After the deactivation, the 2nd CA had only 16 platoons in the field in the III-CTZ and IV-CTZ.

     The 2nd CA activated a "new" 11th AA Platoon on 8 April 1970 from "Company assets" and it was attached to MACV Team 48 for Binh Tuy Province at the town of Ham Tan.   At various times, the new 11th AA Platoon was tasked to assign at least two "four-man civic action teams" or later four "two-man civic action teams" to work with the MACV SubSector (District) Advisory Teams in three other populated areas within Binh Tuy Province. The Company had increased the number of platoons from 16 to 17.

     When two or more 2nd CA Platoons were attached to the same Province Senior Advisor (PSA), normally the 2nd CA Captain worked at the Province Advisory Office and the 2nd CA Lieutenants with the platoon members worked with MACV SubSector (District) Advisor Teams. The combined platoons referred to themselves as the "3/16 AA Platoons" and the "2nd and 14th AA Platoons".

     In late April 1970, most of the 2nd CA Platoons were advised that they would soon be withdrawn from their then current MACV Provincial Civic Action assignments and would soon be reattached to the U.S. Army maneuver brigades in anticipation of a future missions and to perform their original mission of "Refugee Assistance"  during tactical operations.


Cambodia  -  May and June 1970    ( revised   2 Jan 2012 )


     In mid April 1970,  the 2nd CA  had 17 platoons  in the III-CTZ and IV-CTZ. At least 58 Officers and Men in ten platoons and one provisional team entered into Cambodia (Unit Strength = 139 = 42%) and functioned as 'Refugee Assistance Teams' in support of the  tactical operations  with the  maneuver brigades and battalions from: the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), the 11th Armored Cavalry, the 25th Infantry Division,  the 9th Infantry Division's 3rd Brigade (Separate), and the 199th Infantry Brigade. The cross-border activities were called the Cambodian Incursion  by the politicians and the Sanctuary Counter-Offensive by the military which were started on 30 April 1970.  The 2nd CA Platoons were initially attached to the armored cavalry and mechanized infantry units to provide refugee assistance to the maneuver units  as per  the Verbal Orders of the Commanding General (VOCG) of II-FFV. The 2nd CA's Commanding Officer requested "written attachment orders" but the attachment orders were never prepared by II-FFV.  The CG of II-FFV already "knew" the Sanctuary Counter-Offensive would last for only 60 days (+/-) and thus the 2nd CA's C.O. "did not have a need to know" that time limitations had been imposed upon USARV by the President of the United States.  In addition, the U.S. Army Regulations required "written orders" for Temporary Duty (TDY) assignments only when the TDY would last for more than 180 days.


    Some of the 2nd CA Platoons were in Cambodia either on Day One or Day Two.  And on 5 May 1970, the 2nd CA's Daily Diary recorded the Tiber Team and the 2nd CA's Public Health Team were attached to 2nd Squadron of the 11th Cavalry.  They had just entered the Cambodian town of Snoul - 19 miles inside Cambodia.  Previously, the town of Snoul had been bypassed to avoid a fight in a populated area but when the NVA fired upon the 11th Cav from the west side of town, an air strike was called in and then there was a brief fire fight in the town of Snoul.  The 2nd CA's Public Health Team and Doctor provided medical care to the wounded Cambodian civilians while the Tiber Team buried the dead.  The 2nd CA Company Commander provided the money to make the "Solatium Payments" (cash payments made by the U.S. Government via 2CA to Vietnamese and Cambodian Civilians who lost property or family members as a results of accidents of war)  to the families of the deceased civilians.  Possibly, an example of a 2CA Platoon's activities during the initial phase of the Cambodian Incursion.


     The 2nd Civil Affairs Platoons and Teams worked out the Cambodian towns of Memot and Snoul  as well as  from Fire Support Bases (FSB) Corral, David, Ranch and X-Ray. 

     On 1 May 1970,   the 2nd Civil Affairs Company was issued an additional 20 new 3/4 Ton (M-37) Trucks which were quickly brought forward and put to use in Cambodia.  The Company now had a total of 41 of the M-37 Trucks.

     While in Cambodia, the 2nd CA Platoons coordinated the repatriation of thousands of Vietnamese and the relocation of local tribes from the Cambodian cross-border areas back to a safe area in RVN,  planned the building of resettlement camps in Vietnam,  arranged for the movement of and redistribution of 1,100 tons of rice captured from NVA and VC warehouses to the needy, inventoried captured weapons, made solatium payments,  arranged for the delivery of building materials to rebuild Cambodian villages destroyed during the battles, conducted numerous MedCAPs and even helped the  Cambodian Boy Scouts  conduct their weekly meetings. 

     While eleven of the 2nd CA's seventeen platoons were "in Cambodia", there were four additional platoons stationed in the 'Border Provinces' who greatly assisted with the relocation of refugees in Vietnam and the return of at least 800 Cambodians to Cambodia.

    The 6th AA Platoon was attached to the 25th Infantry Division (Rear) and this platoon remained in Tay Ninh Province to coordinate the construction of camps for the estimated 30,000 Vietnamese and local tribes who had become refugees, evacuees or displaced persons. In addition, this platoon coordinated the warehousing and redistribution of food seized in the border areas for use by the camp inhabitants.  The 9th AA Platoon resettled refugees in the greater Xuan Loc area  and  the 7th AA Platoon resettled refugees in the greater Vung Tau area.


     After at least 60 days of cross-border operations, all of the U.S. combat brigades along with their attached 2nd Civil Affairs Platoons were withdrawn from Cambodia by  2 July 1970.

     Every unit in the U.S. Army was given a campaign participation credit for the Sanctuary Counter-Offensive but very few U.S. Army units actually had 'Boots on the Ground' in Cambodia. The 2nd Civil Affairs Platoons really lived, worked, ate and slept with U.S. Infantry and Cavalry units in Cambodia.


Commander's Evaluation Report - Cambodia Operations    ( added - May 2010 )

    The Commanding General of II FFORCEV included the following statement in his  31 July 1970  Combat After Action Report:

    There was an understanding in the Army that units and the troops normally worked 'one up and two down' in the chain of command. The commander of an army corps (II-FFV) normally would report 'one up' to the chain of command to a higher headquarters (MACV) and normally worked 'two down' from the corps level to a division and / or a brigade size units.

    The 31 July 1970 Commander's Evaluation Report does not mention any other battalion or company by name.  The only small size unit mentioned in the Civic Action Report by name is the 2d Civil Affairs Company.  The General and his staff thought your actions were "invaluable" and a non-traditional acknowledgement was included within the report.

If the 2nd CA was not Valorous, was it not at least Meritorious ? (Aug 2013)

     The 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) was very properly awarded the VALOROUS UNIT citation [DAGO 1972-43] for their service in Cambodia. The award also included all of the 1st Cav's assigned and attached units which included the entire 11th Cavalry and other independent armored units as well as other infantry battalions from the U.S. 9th and 25th Infantry Divisions and from the 199th Light Infantry Brigade.  While it is true that the 2nd CA's  sixty days of service in Cambodia with the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) were not direct 'combat action' missions and were, in fact, Refugee Assistance activities.


Narrative - 2nd Civil Affairs Activities ending on 31 July 1970


    If the 2nd Civil Affairs' Platoons in Cambodia were not "valorous", then were not the 'invaluable contributions' at least worthy of a mission related Meritorious Unit citation ?


2d Civil Affairs Company - Shirt Pocket Cloth Patch (UA) circa 1970

Note the  Blue Globe  now in the background

and the use of the "2D" again in the unit's name

Back with MACV and the Final Year

     After the 1970 Cambodian Incursion, the 2nd CA Platoons were once again attached to worked with the MACV Province and SubSector Advisory Teams.

     Only 17 AA Platoons were then in the field and the MTOE strength was reduced to 41 Officers and 100 Enlisted Men.  Most of the men were armed with "borrowed" M-16s.  And even though the Company had been 'in-country' for more than four years, Radios (AN/PRC 25) (AN/VRC 53) remained in short supply and the all important  2nd CA Radio Net  still had not been authorized by II-FFV. The Signal Operating Instructions (SOI) for Radio Frequencies and Call Signs were never established.

     The Company now had 59 vehicles.  Over the years, the quantity of 3/4 ton trucks (M-37) had been increased from one per platoon to two per platoon. From the original quantity of 13 of the M-37s deployed in 1966, the MTOE for this type of vehicle had been increased to 41 units while the three original and 'once brand new'  2-1/2 tons trucks (M-35) continued to serve faithfully. 

     After Cambodia, the U.S. had already decided to withdraw maneuver brigades from Vietnam, there were conflicting stand down orders which effected at least two platoons who did stand down. Then a week later, the stand down orders were cancelled and the platoons were reactivated for service again with the MACV Advisory Teams. There were problems reacquiring the men and their equipment.

     In early 1971, the Company's Monthly Rosters indicate that the 13th, 14th, 16th and 18th Platoons were deactivated by 1 March 1971 (the new Morning Report Form was DD Form 1 - the strength was 132) and then the 19th Platoon was deactivated by 1 May 1971 (DD Form 1 - the strength was 114). The platoon personnel were reassigned to fill the vacant slots in the other platoons.

     On May 2, 1971,  Headquarters, Second Field Force - Vietnam (II-FFV) was deactivated and the 2nd Civil Affairs Company was transferred to the operational control of the Third Regional Assistance Command (TRAC) (USARV) until the 2nd Civil Affairs Company was deactivated. (The last available DD Form 1 - stated the May strength was then 60).

The Furling of the Colors

     The 2nd Civil Affairs Company was deactivated on  July 27, 1971  as part of Withdrawal Increment VIII.   The total time  "in-country" was 1,711 days.  Over the five years of its existence,  at least  750 men  served in this unit.





Our unit has earned   12 Campaign Streamers   for service in the field from 1966 through 1971.

Space on this web site does not permit the displaying of each streamer.

Each one of the twelve streamers would have the

Yellow Background and the Red Stripes from the Flag of South Vietnam

with the Green color of the Jungle at the top and at the bottom of the streamer

with the Campaign's Name and Dates.




A  Proud but a Modest Assertion !


2nd Civil Affairs Company

never had more than 175 Men

assigned to it at any point in time

  and I feel that we can safely assert that

our Platoons and Teams have worked with more

major combat units than any other similar small size unit

in the United States Army that served in Vietnam and Cambodia


1966 through 1971.

We were attached to or supported

the work of the following major combat units:

1st Infantry Division,   4th Infantry Division

9th Infantry Division,   25th Infantry Division

11th Armored Cavalry

173rd Airborne Brigade

196th Light Infantry Brigade,   199th Light Infantry Brigade

1st Australian Task Force

23rd Artillery Group,   54th Artillery Group

II-FFV  Artillery

Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force

101st Airborne Division (Airmobile)

MACV Advisory Teams

29th Civil Affairs Company

USMC  3rd Marine Amphibious Force

XXIV Corps

1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We did our best to


Seal the Victory


achieved by our brothers in arms on the battlefield

many of whom have paid the ultimate price

and shed their precious blood.

We thank all those, past and present,

who have served our country.

May God Always Protect

The United States of America


 x x


Special  Acknowledgements


     The Officers and the Men of the 9th Transportation Company (CAR) (Airborne Corps) for sharing their mess facilities and countless truck loads of shower water   for more than five years  as well as  for providing electric power from their much overworked generators.  Many good friends, great neighbors and a fine unit.  Thank You.

53rd Signal Battalion Unit Crest (First Last Always) Army Unit Crests .


      The Officers and Men of the 53rd Signal Battalion for hosting the Advance Party and for the initial supply of tents, cots and wood dunnage for flooring and home-made furniture before the arrival of the Equipment Ship.  They helped us to acquired and then unload our  WABTOC  Kit  (When Authorized By Theater Operations Commander) which provided the materials for the construction of the base camp housing.  Thank You.


 x x


Maps of Vietnam   ( 5 June 2010 - added Maps for I-CTZ )

     I really need a Map  to find out  exactly where I was stationed and the areas that I traveled through and worked it.   A legitimate request.

     U. S.  Army  Tactical  Maps  for the III Corps and IV Corps  areas of RVN exists at the web address below.  The University of Texas has a collection of Vietnam Maps on-line which includes the 1:250,000 Series Maps from the mid 1960s.  Click the link below:

     Select map NC 48-7 SAIGON  for the greater Saigon and Long Binh area, or map NC 48-3 FREY VENG  which covers the Tay Ninh and Dau Tieng,  or map NC 48-4 AN LOC  which covers  Lai Khe, An Loc, Song Be and Vo Dat, and map NC 48-8 PHAN THIET  which covers the areas east of Xuan Loc north of Vung Tau and over to Ham Tan.  The maps for the platoons that served in the I-CTZ are: ND 49-1 QUANG NGAI which covers Nghia Hanh, NE 49-13 TOURANE which covers Da Nang  and map NE 48-16 HUE which covers from Phu Bai up to the Dong Ha at the DMZ.  At the bottom of each map,  there is a layout of the adjacent maps for other areas.

     After the buildup of U.S. Forces in 1966-1967, it was quickly realized that the traditional maps showed many roads without road names or road numbers which was creating confusion.  A new series of maps was introduced with many roads receiving a  Circled Number  designations to eliminate location confusion and to assist in travel planning.  Click the  link below:

Maps - Numbered Roads and Highways

     You can download a GOOGLE EARTH  (free) to find your old operations area. Many of the base camp areas are now either non-existent or have been converted into wall-to-wall new village housing.  Try to follow the roads from a known location (start by typing Saigon, Vietnam)  and follow the roads to where you think your old base camp or compound was.  Some of the aerial image results are great and some are under whelming.  Good luck.

     Alternately go to  GOOGLE  and type  Maps Vietnam.  A number of U.S. Armed Forces Reunion Web sites have tactical maps for their campaigns and areas of their operations.

 x   x  x


The Monsoon Rains

Rain Days per Month  and  the Average Inches of Rain per Day


By the Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Monthly Rain - mm 10 10 10 40 140 180 190 170 190 160 120 40
Monthly Rain - inches 3.9 3.9 3.9 15.7 55.1 70.9 74.8 66.9 74.8 63.0 47.2 15.7
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
Monthly - Rain Days 2 2 2 7 17 21 23 22 21 22 13 8
Inches - Per Day 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.0 3.6 2.9 3.6 2.0


Just One Summer Month (Jun-Sep) of Rain in South Vietnam (~= 70 Inches)

is greater than the 'Total Yearly Rain' in New Jersey (~> 35 and ~< 68 Inches).




Vietnamese Dictionary

     I would really like to find out  HOW TO SPELL  some Vietnamese words and to get the  PROPER TRANSLATION  of some other Vietnamese words. Click the link below and try a few words or simple phrases.


GOOGLE     Translate


      x  x


Unit History

Before Vietnam  and  Our Lineage Successor




The Lineage of the 2d Civil Affairs Company


     The 2d Civil Affairs Detachment was constituted on 20 June 1962 and activated on 25 July 1962 at Fort Bragg, N.C. where it was then attached to the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). (2nd CA Detachment with 5th SFG - top of Page 4)  From 27 October to 3 December 1962,  twenty-three 2nd CA Officers were attached to the 95th Civil Affairs Group to fill TOE positions during the "Cuban Missile Crisis".  Later and after the 5th Special Forces Group deployed to South Vietnam (and possibly into Laos too), the 2d Civil Affairs Detachment was next attached to the newly activated  6th Special Forces Group (Airborne) on 5 December 1963.  The 2d Civil Affairs "Detachment" was redesignated as a "Company" on 6 January 1964 and then all of the positions in the  2d Civil Affairs Company  were designated as  "airborne"  on 1 July 1964.

     In May 1966, the U.S. Continental Army Command (CONARC) reactivated the 2d Civil Affairs Company from 'carrier status'.  The unit designation was transferred from Fort Bragg to Fort Gordon - the home of the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs School. The 2d Civil Affairs Company was assigned to the  95th Civil Affairs Group of the Third United States Army on 16 May 1966 and the unit was functionally activated on 23 May 1966 when the first enlisted man reported for duty.  The 2d Civil Affairs Company started preparation for deployment to the Republic of Vietnam with an initial staffing of 22 Officers and 70 Enlisted Men ( which coincidentally just added up to 92 men - the unit number of the 2nd CA's Lineage Successor - the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion ) but the ultimate authorized strength was 48 Officers and 124 Enlisted Men which was reached before the end of our first year in-country.


 x x


92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne)  ( Revised  - 14 Oct  2011 )

    The U.S. Army has activated the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) (92nd CA) at Fort Bragg, N.C. on Friday, October 14, 2011.  The 92nd CA now consists of: Headquarters & Headquarters Company (HHC) plus Company A,  Company B,  Company C  and  Company D   with an ultimate battalion MTO&E strength of 234.   Company E   as well as  several additional Specialty Teams  will be formed in the future.

     Headquarters & Headquarters Company of the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion has been proclaimed to be the "Lineage Successor"  to our 2nd Civil Affairs Company.

     The Battalion Flag of the 92nd Civil Affairs now publicly and proudly displays the Streamers earned by our 2nd Civil Affairs Company for our service with the U.S. Army, Vietnam between 1966 and 1971.  These include Streamers for our participation in the twelve  Field Campaigns   and our three U.S. Army Meritorious Unit Commendations  as well as the RVN's Gallantry Cross with Palm  and the  RVN's Civil Action Award Medal, First Class.

     The primary mission of the 92nd CA will be to support the United States Army Europe (EUCOM)  as well as  special missions worldwide in direct support to the   U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). 

    Most of the Former Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company were probably NOT aware of our unit's citations when we departed from the Plantation Base Camp and possibly not even advised at a later date when we were discharged from the Army. These awards are now publicly and proudly displayed on the Battalion Flag of the 92nd Civil Affairs.





Civil Affairs


The TORCH is from the Statue of Liberty

a symbol associated with the spirit of the United States of America

which also represents the enlighten performance of duty.

The SCROLL and the SWORD

depict the civil and military aspects of the organization's mission.


 x x




     The 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion Activation Ceremony was a special and very memorable military ceremony.  This Stone Monument was presented to the  92nd Civil Affairs Battalion  at the end of the official activation ceremony 'to chisel in stone' the "Unit Lineage" relationship between the two units.

     The First Reunion of the Former Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company coincided with the Activation Date calling the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) to active duty.

     The Hospitality and the Camaraderie extended by the Officers and the Soldiers of the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (A) to the Former Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company during our two day reunion events far exceeded our expectations and will be well remembered by all.   Thank You  to the Officers and the Soldiers of the 92nd CA.






The Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI)

of the

92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne)

was created with elements of the Lineage Heritages from the

2nd Civil Affairs Company

and from the

2nd Field Force, Vietnam



    In the center of the 92nd Battalion Crest, there is a Yellow Shield and with Red Bars which relates to the 2nd CA's service in Vietnam and the 2nd CA's Shirt Pocket Patch which was an unauthorized (UA) Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI). The Shield's Yellow Background and Red Bars were the major elements in the Flag of the Republic of South Vietnam (RSVN).  The Yellow color signifies the four virtues of nobleness, goodwill, vigor, and magnanimity. The Red color signifies valiance - valor.


     The Pheon or the Broad Blue Arrow recalls the distinctive unit insignia (DUI) of the Second Field Force, Vietnam  (II-FFV) and the shoulder sleeve insignia (SSI) worn by the Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company. The Blue signifies constancy, justice, sincerity, thinking and truth.


     The Purple and White Star indicates the  Civil Affairs Branch Colors  while the  Twelve Points   symbolizing the number of Vietnam Campaigns that the 2nd Civil Affairs Company participated in. The Purple signifies loyalty and patience. The White signifies the five virtues of humility, beauty, purity, clarity and innocence.

     The Silver Dagger is taken from the U.S. Army's Special Operations Command.  The Red Wings represent Airborne.

The Motto of the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) is


Commitment and Service




The 14th of October


     "October 14th"  has several unexpected date coincidences - perhaps a omen of future good luck.  On 14 October, 1966, the 2nd CA's  Equipment was convoyed from Fort Gordon, GA to the port of embarkation at Savannah, GA.   We took our first step in our journey to Vietnam.  And few weeks later, our Main Body had  "Permanent Change of Station" (PCS) to a restricted area overseas where dependents will not accompany the troops.

    Coincidentally, the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion was activated on 14 October 2011.  As we began our overseas journey, so too the Members of the 92nd CA officially began their journey on the 14 October 2011.  And in a few weeks, some Members of the 92nd CA will deploy to a restricted area overseas and where dependents will not accompany the troops.

     The third October date coincidence is 16 October 2006 which marks the Fifth Anniversary of the reestablishment of "Civil Affairs" as a "Branch" within the Active-duty Component (AC) of the U.S. Army.  Previously, Civil Affairs Branch had been a "Branch" in the Reserve Component (RC) only.

     The 2nd Civil Affairs Unit Identification Code (UIC) was  WA8GAA  which is the U.S. Army's equivalent to the unit's social security number.  WA8GTO is now used by the 92nd CA as their unit identification number and thus the use of our old social security number makes the 92nd CA the Lineage Successor to our 2nd Civil Affairs Company.


     Finally, the 92nd CA Battalion Commander noted in his activation speech that the First Increment of the 2nd CA consisted of "22 Officers and 70 Men" which happens to add up to the total of  "92"  -  the number of the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade's newest battalion - the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne).


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95th Civil Affairs - Today  ( Revised  - 14 Oct  2011 )


     Our former parent unit - the 95th Civil Affairs Group has been renamed the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne) and the active duty subordinate units are: the 91st Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) (AFRICOM),  the recently activated the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) (EURCOM),  the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) (CENTCOM),  97th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) (PACOM) and the 98th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) (SOUTHCOM)



     Today's Civil Affairs units are designed to prevent civilian interference with tactical operations, to assist commanders in discharging their responsibilities toward the civilian population, and to provide liaison with civilian government agencies.

     The Civil Affairs mission was never fully understood by the majority of the conventional units of the U.S. Armed Forces.  Some respect is finally given to the Civil Affairs Mission  by the inclusion of the Civil Affairs units into the U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) which includes the U.S. Army Special Forces Command, the 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Aviation Regiment,  the 528th Sustainment Brigade,  the 4th Military Information Group (Psy Ops) and now our former parent unit - the 95th Civil Affairs - please click the link below.


95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne)

      On 16 October 2006, the U.S. Army reestablished  'Civil Affairs'  as a "Branch" within the active duty components of the U.S. Army.  The Army has even established Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) code numbers for CA Officers and the new 38A number for CA NCOs and for CA Specialists.



xx   In a press release, the 95th Civil Affairs stated  " Since its formation in 2006, the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade has hit the ground running.  From the Philippines to Africa to Afghanistan, the Army's only active-duty special operations civil affairs brigade has made itself indispensable to special operations forces attempting to build rapport with locals. The Brigade's Soldiers take great pride serving as "Ambassadors" to some of the world's most remote and desperate regions, as well as providing valuable support to special operations teams. The job of the Civil Affairs Soldier has taken on new meaning in recent years."

     " Highly trained in all manner of local analysis, support and negotiations, the Soldiers of the 95th operate side-by-side with Special Forces ODAs (Operational Detachment Alpha). That partnership requires 95th Soldiers to receive advanced training in weapons, communications and operating vehicles in rough terrain."

      " That training and mind set paid off when one three-man CA team operating with an ODA in Afghanistan was ambushed by more than 300 Taliban fighters. Originally in the remote village to set up a medical clinic, the CA Soldiers reacted immediately and rushed into the fight where they proved crucial to blunting the enemy attack. That multi-skilled ability ensures that Soldiers of the 95th can transition effectively from rebuilder to warrior and back again."

95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Special Operations) (Airborne) - reassignment   ( Updated  -  4 July 2023 )


     In 2016, the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade (ABN) along with all of its organic battalions including the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (ABN) (HHC, 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion is the Lineage Successor to the 2nd Civil Affairs Company) have been transferred from   The U.S. Army Special Operations Command  to be an organic element of the 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) - now a divisional sized unit of approximately  23,000  Troopers, NCOs, Warrants and Officers. 




The New 85th Civil Affairs Brigade  ( Revised  - 16 Apr  2013 )


     On 30 Sep 2011, the U.S. Army activated the 85th Civil Affairs Brigade (85th CA) at Fort Hood in Texas to support the U.S. Army's conventional forces.  The battalions organic to the new 85th CA Brigade are: the 80th Civil Affairs Battalion (the lineage successor to the 36th Civil Affairs Company), the 81st Civil Affairs Battalion (the lineage successor to the 29th Civil Affairs Company - Vietnam 1966-71), the 82nd Civil Affairs Battalion (the lineage successor to the 28th Civil Affairs Company - Airborne), the 83rd Civil Affairs Battalion (the lineage successor to the 41st Civil Affairs Company - Vietnam 1965-70) and the 84th Civil Affairs Battalion (the lineage successor to the 42nd Civil Affairs Company - deployed to the Dominican Republic in 1965).   Welcome to all.


     Prior to the creation of the 85th CA Brigade, the active duty Civil Affairs units were often supplemented with the U.S. Army's Reserve Component (RC) Civil Affairs units for service in Iraq and Afghanistan.   The Reserve Civil Affairs units certainly have the civilian world skills required for the hands-on civil affairs work but their assigned manpower may not have been universally available for quick activation  and  some of the reserve units may have required refitting with current weapons and current equipment as well as additional cultural affairs and language training before their deployment. 


    The U.S. Army's Reserve Civil Affairs units normally have unit number for CA Commands, CA Groups and CA Battalions in the 300-400 series.  And in 2009, the U.S. Army converted at least six U.S. Army Reserve Engineer units into Civil Affairs Companies with unit numbers in the 1200-1400 series.

The Inactivation of the 85th Civil Affairs Brigade  ( Revised  -  3 May 2017 )


     A May 2017 random web search indicates the Obama Administration has cut off funding for the 85th Civil Affairs Brigade and it has been inactivated. The 85th Civil Affairs Brigade, itself  as well as  its organic battalions - the 80th CA, the 81st CA, the 82nd CA and the 84th CA have been inactivated and their 'Colors Have Been Cased'.   All very sad news.  Only the 83rd Civil Affairs Battalion (Lineage Successor to the 41st Civil Affairs Company) has survived and it has been reassigned to the 16th Military Police Brigade at Fort Bragg. 


 x           x


Other Vietnam Era Civil Affairs Information




Civil Affairs Units  -  Yesterday's  Vietnam Era Units   ( Revised  -   4 Jul  2013 )

     In 1968,  the authorized strengths of the U.S. Army Civil Affairs units in Vietnam was:  the 2nd CA with 172 men,  the 29th CA with 117 men, the 41st CA with 140 men  and the  51st, 52nd, 53rd and 54th CA Platoons with a total of 29 men thus totaling 458The overall U.S. military strength in Vietnam was  536,000  of which  350,000  were in the U.S. Army and the ARVN strength was 820,000.  In addition and in 1968, the USMC had 114 Civil Action Platoons in   I-Corps  of RVN.


     The VC and NVA strength including base camp housekeepers, carpenters, day laborers and translators  remains a mystery to all - then and now.


     All of the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs units that served in Vietnam have now pasted into military history  -  the 2nd CA,  the 29th CA and  the 41st CA as well as  the 51st CA, the 52nd CA, the 53rd CA and the 54th CA Platoons - are all gone but not forgotten.

- - - - -

    During the Vietnam Era, an assignment into a Civil Affairs Company was once considered to be a  'Career Ending Assignment'  for most company grade officers and for junior field grade officers except for the Company Commander. There were 'Revolving Door Assignments" for Civil Affairs Company Commanders and for their  "Command Time" (normally just six months)  which did facilitate promotions for a few.


     However, after Vietnam, there were 'Reductions in Forces' (RIF) and many company grade officers were frozen in grade and/or if they had been recently advanced through OCS Commission, then they may have reverted to their previous Enlisted Grade until the day of their retirement when they reverted back to their highest prior officer grade.


     While today, a assignment into a new Civil Affairs unit with open promotion slots may be considered to be a 'Career Advancing Assignment'.










38 %
31 %
28 %
1 %


1 %
1 %
1 %
??-Dec 1962
??-??? 1965
TDY =< 180
4 Teams of 21
 < 1%
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The 1968 TO&E Statistics are from " VIETNAM ORDER OF BATTLE "  by Shelby L. Stanton

Obviously, every unit's   Advance Party  arrived  BEFORE  the Main Body dates above.

The 2nd CA's Advance Party arrived  'in-country'  on  19 Nov 1966  thus 1,711 Days



Overseas Service Recognition Memorial Stone


The U.S. Army's Special Operations Plaza at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Click this " Link " to view all of the

Unit Memorial Stones at USASOC Plaza




now our former senior headquarters unit in the USA in 1966, the

95th Civil Affair Group - formerly the 95th Military Government Group,

which is now the  95th Civil Affairs Brigade  (Abn)

( List Added: 31 May 2023 )


Links to Civil Affairs Web Site

     The Members of the 41st Civil Affairs Company were the first group to establish a web site for their unit which has motivated the setting up of the web site for the Former Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company. Thank you for showing what can be done. 

41st Civil Affairs

41st Civil Affairs - VN - on Military.COM

41st Civil Affairs Company - on Military.COM

    A web site for the  29th Civil Affairs Company  was once under discussion on the internet but it has not materialized.  Hopefully. one will be established.  A Web Link to the UNIT PAGE for the 29th Civil Affairs Company on MILITARY.COM is below.

29th Civil Affairs Company - on Military.COM




Overview of a few  " Lessons Learned "


     From the available "Lessons Learned", the 2nd CA Company Commanders almost always requested additional trained manpower especially the assignment of 'Second Tour Officers'  who had subsequently attended the U.S. Army Civil Affairs School.

     One of the Monthly Reports noted that during the previous six month period that only one Captain was assigned to the unit who had 'prior tour' experience and that he had attended the U.S. Army's Civil Affairs School.  While the other ten new Platoon Commanders were Lieutenants and they were not given the opportunity to attended Civil Affairs School.

     The establishment of a Civil Affairs  Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for NCOs and Enlisted Personnel was suggested but not approved.

     The U.S. Army higher headquarters did NOT always champion, support or endorse the recommendations of the Commanding Officers of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company for Civil Affairs School trained officers.

Recent E-Mail Advice


     Since this web site has been live (April 2008), the following information has been received about the existence of other  Civil Affairs  Companies, Battalions and Groups  in the 1960-1970 era:  the 28th CA Company  with the XVIII (18th) Corps (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, NC and the 36th CA Company  with the 96th CA Group assigned to the 22nd FASCOM (Field Army Support Command) at Fort Lee, VA.


     Other CA units could have organized elsewhere.  The unit status (active or carrier), their mission, and the staffing of these other organizations is presently unknown.  Most units were activated in 1967 and were deactivated by 1974.

Recent Web Search - Other CA Units in RVN   ( revised   20 Aug 2016 )


     In August 1962, the 97th Civil Affairs Group was attached to the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) on the Island of Okinawa and the 97th Civil Affairs Group sent a "five man" Mobile Training Team (MTT) to South Vietnam for a five week TDY evaluation assignment.   Between December 1962 and January 1963, the 97th Civil Affairs Group deployed four "13 Man Teams" to train, advise and assist the GVN forces.  In June 1963, the four MTTs were replaced by "21 Man Teams" for another 180 day TDY assignment with the U.S. Army Special Forces (Provisional) then attached to MAAGV to work with CIDG program.


     The only specific location now known in SF Histories is the 1965 work by the 97th CA at the Lang Vei   Special Forces  Camp (just west of Khe Sanh) in I-CTZ.  Several CA support missions are discussed on the SF web sites but without specific data. The 97th CA TDY deployments may have ended when the 5th Special Forces Group was deployed to RVN. In addition, the 41st Civil Affairs Company arrived at Nha Trang in December 1965 where it was assigned to First Field Force Vietnam (I-FFV). Three Refugee Assistance Teams - Nos. 8, 12 and 13 from the 41st CA were attached to the 5th SFG Teams B-22, B-23 and B-24 to assist with their civic action work.


     The 97th Civil Affairs Group was officially awarded the Vietnam Service Medal  [DAGO 1968-83]  along with two Campaign Stars for their 1965 participation in the "Advisory Campaign" (15 Mar 62  to  7 Mar 65) and for their service during the "Defense Campaign" (8 Mar 65  to  24 Dec 65).


      In 1968, the U.S. Army activated the independent 51st Civil Affairs Platoon (MTOE  21 Oct 1968) with 2 Officers and 6 Enlisted Men which was initially attached to the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) [DAGO 1970-39] and later attached to the 29th Civil Affairs Company.


     In 1969,  the U.S. Army activated three additional units - the 52nd, the 53rd and the 54th Civil Affairs Companies (MTOE  25 October 1969) - each with just 3 Officers and 4 Enlisted Men and they arrived in Vietnam at Da Nang between 15-17 Nov 1968.


     At various times, these small units have been referred to either as "Company" or "Platoon" or as "Detachment".  They were the U.S. Army's smallest tactical TO&E units deployed to Vietnam.


     The 52nd, 53rd and 54th were initially attached to the 29th Civil Affairs Company who supported the USMC's 3rd Marine Amphibious Force (3-MAF) (III-MAF) and later to the U.S. Army's XXIV (24th) Corps [DAGO 1973-20]. The 52nd Civil Affairs Platoon was deactivated in June 1970  while the 51st, the 53rd and the 54th Civil Affairs Platoons were deactivated in September 1970.


    If the U.S. Army unit numbering system is cumulative and sequential, the U.S. Army's total commitment to Civil Affairs units was 54 platoon size units plus other supporting specialty teams and three company headquarters units.


     Additional historical information and recorded debriefing interviews from the veterans of the Vietnam Conflict can be found at the following web site:

The Vietnam Center and Archives at Texas Tech University




The United States Marine Corps in Vietnam


     The United States Marine Corps (USMC) fielded 114 Combined (Civic) Action Platoons in I-CTZ.  Each platoon was composed of 8 civic action specialists  as well as  two organic rifle squads totaling 19 men.  These 27 man Combined (Civic) Action Platoons lived, worked, ate and slept in Vietnamese hamlets and villages.  Unfortunately, 97 very good U.S. Marines  were 'Killed in Action' (KIA) with USMC Combined (Civic) Action Platoons.




Other U.S. Army Civil Affairs Units Worldwide  (revised 17 Jul  2018)


        In 1966, the 1st Civil Affairs "Company" (Airborne) was known to be an active duty unit stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. with the 10th Special Forces which was staffed by Freedom loving Ex-Patriots from the Warsaw Countries (p.s. - the original Special Forces unit was number " 10 " and there were no other SF units numbered 1-9).  The next mention of a "1st Civil Affairs" is in 1969-70 just after the Vietnam era Reduction-in-Forces (RIF) began.  The 97th Civil Affairs Group (ABN) was deactivated in June 1969 and it was renamed the 1st Civil Affairs "Battalion" which continued to be assigned to the U.S. Army's 1st Special Forces Group - all headquartered on and operating from the Island of Okinawa.  The 1st SFG is officially credited with TDY missions to the Philippines and to Thailand.


      The 97th CA may have supported the 1st SFG's missions and/or the 46th Special Forces Company (ABN) and their work in Thailand as well as rumors of classified operations from Thailand ranging into the 'cross border areas' aka Laos.


     The other functioning U.S. Army Civil Affairs units then known to be on active duty in 1965-1973 era were:  the 42nd CA Company at Fort Gordon, GA with the 95th Civil Affairs Group with possible future missions in the Caribbean area,  the 28th CA Company (Airborne) with the XVIII (18th) Corps (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, NC,   the 36th CA Company with the 96th CA Group assigned to the 22nd FASCOM (Field Army Support Command) at Fort Lee, VA,  and the U.S. Army's 3rd Civil Affairs Group (Airborne) was assigned to the U.S. Southern Command in the Panama Canal Zone  (the new 98th Civil Affairs Battalion is the lineage successor to the old 3rd Civil Affairs Group (ABN) 1967-1974). In addition to their work in the Republic of Panama, they were also active in the South American Republics of Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru.

     On September 15, 1971,  the 95th Civil Affairs Group along with the attached  42nd Civil Affairs Company  were both relocated from Fort Gordon to Fort Bragg and the Fort Bragg based  1st Civil Affairs Company (Airborne) and the  28th Civil Affairs Company (Airborne)  also came under the command of the relocated 95th Civil Affairs.


 x x




     In retrospect,  one must question the wisdom of the staffing of the two stateside Civil Affairs units when the work that needed to be done was in South Vietnam.  If the U.S. Army  really  wanted the Civil Affairs mission accomplished in Vietnam,  then the U.S. Army should have assigned the men with prior tour experience and civil affairs education to do the job in Vietnam !




Our Old  " S-5 "   is now the new  " S-9 "  ( added -  7  Dec   2013 ) 


     When we were soldiers once and young too, the Civil Affairs staff function was either an 'additional duty' for the S-2 or there was a very small S-5 staff in the early arriving brigades, then the later arriving brigades had larger S-5 sections, and as the years went by, the S-5 sections were greatly expanded in most of the brigades. The Army's Civil Affairs function that was known as the S-5 in our day, it is now renamed as the S-9 section in today's army.


S-1, for personnel or manpower

S-2, for intelligence and security

S-3, for operations

S-4, for logistics

S-5, for plans

S-6, for signal or communications or IT

S-7, for training and/or the Engineer

S-8, for finance and contracts  aka   Resource Management.

S-9, for Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC) or Civil Affairs


A Veteran is someone who,

at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check

made payable to

The United States of America

for any amount of

'up to and including my life.'

That is 'Serving Our Country - the USA'  with Honor,

and there are way too many people in this country now

who no longer understand it  ! 



Some 2023 Thoughts from a  81+ Year Old  Veteran  who was once in Vietnam  at age  23

     The U.S.A. now has a flawed 'war fighting philosophy' that started when they renamed the Department of War (1789) to the Department of Defense in 1947.    If you not intend to "Win the War",  then you do NOT send  the American Military overseas unless you (the politician have the popular support of the American People for a Just Cause) and thus the American People has the commitment and intends to 'WIN the WAR'.  The 'Elected Ole Folks' do not send the Youthful American Military into HARMS WAY unless you Intend to WIN the War !


     A quote below from a former USAF Pilot  Robin Olds  (BG Ret) (1922-2007) (Triple Ace Pilot - 5 kills each war) - who served in Europe during World War Two, then again in Korea  and finally later over Vietnam)

      "What I thought about Vietnam ?   We should never have gone in unless we were prepared to win it - Total War, like World War Two.   Even  Korea  was fucked up,  but Vietnam was an epic American Tragedy that could have been avoided.   That war proved that  politicians dictating  military actions,  far removed from the theater,  is an unworkable condition".

     The Untimely and Unexplainable Withdrawal from Iraq,   the necessity for another corrective intervention in Iraq and then later into Syria were illustrations of previous Incompentent  Presidential Decisions,  which ultimately lead to a Total Debacle in the Afghanistan - total world wide embarrassment - pure fiasco !

     Any properly trained  E-3,  E-4   or  even a brand new  2-LT  would have had the 'basic military knowledge' and would have made better decisions than the incompetent elected politicians.   A system of government where the 'least capable to lead',  are elected 'by the least capable of understanding, supporting, producing or serving in the American Military' and who lack the basic educational knowledge about American History, the American Government or about our American Patriotism - even for their own personal survival.

     New Legal Immigrant American Citizens know more about American History, Laws, Government and Patriotism THAN our Birth Right American-Born Citizens.


In Honor of  'The Other'  Vietnam Veterans


      It is easy for we Americans who served in South Vietnam to forget that there is a whole population of Vietnam War Veterans who saw the war through to the end.  I speak of the Armed Forces of South Vietnam and the 'Army of Vietnam' (ARVN).  Unlike us, they did not return home 'after a 364 day tour' and a wake up at home, out of harm's way and safe. They did not get R&R.  They just fought on and on.
      Some of the South Vietnamese Armed Forces were criticized for being mediocre troops with untrustworthy leaders.  That may have been true in some cases.  But we believe that most of the South Vietnamese Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines were Good Troops, led by competent officers who put up a damn fine fight - until the only friends that they had - the U.S.A. - walked out on them.


     The Last U.S. Troops left Vietnam in early 1973.  By 1974, President Richard Nixon had resigned and when Gerald Ford was our new President,  there were the 1974 'off-year' Congressional Elections and the sentiment of the newly elected U.S. Congress had changed.   By 1975,  the American People were tired of the expense of the war (1946-1974) and the U.S.A. withdrew financial and material supply support (ammunition and repair parts) for the Republic of South Vietnam. 


     While the Russian and Chinese Communists (ChiCom) continued to support North Vietnam and their North Vietnamese Army (NVA) who launched a full scale armored division invasion of South Vietnam  and  they won the last battles at Xuan Loc and Lai Khe on the roads to Saigon in late April 1975.   On April 30, 1975, NVA's T-54 Tanks occupied downtown Saigon.   They celebrated their  Victory  on May 1, 1975 when  South Vietnam Surrendered  and the communist had their international celebration day of 'May Day' on May 1, 1975.




The purpose of this web site is


To Help Reunite Old Friends.


After forty years,

everyone has been promoted to Ten-Star General.

Please, forget about your old rank


this is a  first name  basis


Mac & Jack  web site.


Make a telephone call to ' Mac '

and say  ' Hello Mac,  this is Jack '.


PS, our wives will most likely answer the phone,

please introduce yourself to her first.

x           x
x      x


It is possible that when you arrived home after serving in Vietnam,

you were not welcomed home or under appreciated

by family, friends and neighbors.

On behalf of the silent majority, then and now, a belated




for serving your country.

x   x

x x x




For those that have fought for Freedom,

It has a flavor   the protected   shall never know.


For those who understand,  no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand,  no explanation is possible.


God Bless our Troops  and  God Bless  America !

- - - - - - - - - -

If it were not for the United States Military,

There would be  NO  United States of America !

- - - - - - - - - -

May God Bless America and Protect

the Members of our Armed Forces

as they are protecting us,

where ever in the world they may be serving.

May God bring them back home and out of Harm's Way

to their Families and Friends

Don Kunego 2014



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your contribution


names, dates, team photos and project pictures.


Please contact






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