2nd Civil Affairs Company
2nd Civil Affairs Company
Home Page - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Brothers Found Page - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Brothers Killed - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Cmd, Staff and Teams - 2nd Civil Affairs Company awards Casualties - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Reunion - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Photos - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Photos Platoons
Lineage 1962-65 - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Diary 1966 - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Diary 1967 - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Diary 1968 - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Diary 1969 - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Diary 1970 - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Diary 1971 - 2nd Civil Affairs Company MPC - 2nd Civil Affairs Company Agent Orange




Last Revision:  1 March 2025  *

12th Platoon - Picture 1-LT  Pat Garrity at  'Parachute Forward'   w/ 173rd New Base X-Mass 1966 **

13th Platoon - Pictures of 13th Platoon - VC Suspects - from 1-LT E. Gordon Hagewood - 1971

10th Platoon - Picture of 10th Platoon Jeep - Lost Argument with M-113 - from SP-5 Robert Roper 

   1st Platoon - Picture of  1-LT Kerry Otterby at a Gia Dinh area Orphanage circa 1968-69

   4th Platoon - Picture of  Captain Joseph P. Frankoski - Three Months without a shower - 1963

 21st Platoon -  Picture of  1-LTs  Joseph Siwy and Bobby Chandler  -  ARVN's Widows Village - 1968

   1st Platoon - Picture of  Embroidery Gift now at 92nd CA Battalion Headquarters Building

 21st Platoon - Picture of  1-LT  Bobby C. Chandler  -  Daily Hires,  Plantaton Base Camp - 1967-68

22nd Platoon - Picture of SP5 Edwin L. Martin - visiting the New 2CA Hq Building -1967-68

   6th Platoon - Building the TB Hospital in Tay Ninh - Pictures from Joel Boroff - CPT - 1969-70

 17th Platoon - Picture of Kerry Otterby - 1-LT w/ 1st Plt -1968  and  CPT w/ 17th Plt - 1969

   7th Platoon - Pictures from LT Neil McDonald - MACV Team 89 and 1ACAU - 1968-69

  2nd Platoon - Tiber Team Pictures - Tom Pearson and Dan Terrell - visting Plantation circa 1967

   1st Platoon - Pictures from CPT Fred Dolder - MACV Team 44 in Gia Dinh - 1970  

   Tiber Team - Picture from  Lee Linthicum - SSGT Tiber and Linguist Mike Garvey - 1970

  9th Platoon - Team Pictures from  CPT Lewis C. Midlam - MACV Team 49 - 1969-70

  3rd Platoon - Pictures rebuilding An Dan Village - 1-LT Jerry Cooper - MACV Team 43 - 1968-69

16th Platoon - Picture of  1-LT Thomas Bostock - MACV Team 92 - Go Cong - 1970

  9th Platoon - Platoon Pictures from 1-LT Phil Grinton -  2nd Bde,  25th Inf - Cu Chi - 1967

13th Platoon - Picture of  MACV Team 66   on  4 July 1969  -  CPT Dick Gordon,  the S-2 of Team 66

21st Platoon - Picture of CPT Jerry Wall and PFC Melvin Stone  -  Plantation -  1967

  7th Platoon - Platoon Picture from John A. Vassallo, Jr. -  CPT  -  Duc Than  -  1969

10th Platoon - Pictures from  William A. Clepper - SP5 - An Loc - 1968-69

   1st Platoon - Pictures from Nolan Wells - SGT - Phu Loi + Chu Lai - 1966-67

16th Platoon - Group Picture - LT Cope and SP4 Lyons - MACV 92 - Go Cong - 1970

12th Platoon - Picture of  1-LT  Emery G. Mikula - S-5 of 173rd Bde - KIA exiting MedCAP - 13 Oct 1966

Saint Peter's College Friend of Joe Napp

Picture courtsey of SP5 Bob Geib, then with S-5 of 173rd and later transferred into 2 CA's 12th Platoon.


Photo Size - you can adjust the  ZOOM %  on your internet browser

to create a full size display on your monitor.


We need  GROUP PICTURES  as well as pictures of the Officers, NCOs and Enlisted Men.

The pictures on this page are from the  Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company.

Thank You.  

x x


Platoons  and  Teams


Project  Photos



1st  AA Platoon

attached to the

1st Infantry Division's  Second Brigade  at  Phu Loi  and later at  Di An  (Zee On)

CPT  Melvin P. Vios,

1-LT Harry Vance Ryerson,

SP4 Robert Joralemon,  SP4 Ballard and SP4 Richard Routh - (all ex 41st)

- - - - -

  SP5 Nolan Wells,   SP4 Albert Ellis,   SP5 Mark Gdowski,,   PFC Marvin Leacroy,

 PFC Hollace 'Chester' Richardson

Captain Melvin P. Vios

arrived in Vietnam on

26 December 1965

as an original member of the

41st Civil Affairs Company.

His team was attached to the

1st Infantry Division

initially at Bien Hoa - Di An.

He served continuously

until his REFRAD in July 1967

CPT   Melvin  P.   Vios

being congratulated

on the award of the

Silver Star Medal


Mister  Mel  Vios

at  HOME  after his REFRAD

and now back in his native



Civil Affairs Camouflage

Civilian Clothes

1-LT Harry 'Vance' Ryerson

with a Big Smile

under the Big Stash


P.S.  Ms. Hildegard

Sometimes  Lt.  H.V.  Ryerson

played  'the name game'

sometimes he wanted  "Harry"

but most of the time "Vance".

1-LT Harry 'Vance' Ryerson

"Light Duty Uniform"

after being released from

93rd Evacuation Hospital


SP4  Albert C. Ellis

with Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer

Phu Loi - 1966

Served in 2nd CA 1966-1969


SP4  Albert C. Ellis

resting but always prepared

with  Three Grenades

  especially when with

MAJ-LTC Schweitzer

(Retired as Lt Gen)

SGT Nolan Wells (C)


Robert S. Joralemon (R)

Benzel Brown (Standing Rear)

1st Inf Div Trooper (L)

PFC Benzel D. Brown


ARVN Beret

Phu Loi

circa 1967


SP4 Robert S. Joralemon

Phu Loi

circa 1966


PFC Manfre

Phu Loi

circa 1967



Civic Action Projects

often start with

Loud Speakers in a helicopter,  then a Leaflet Drop and finally a follow-up MedCAP Visit


1-LT Harry 'Vance' Ryerson

coming back from

Psy Ops flight in Huey

Phu Loi - 1967

Hamlet Kids Picking up the

Chieu Hoi  Leaflets

before they become the

'Paper Stock'  for VC Money

SGT Nolan L. Wells

with ARVN

visiting the

An Loi Hamlet


The Hoi Chanh

(Former VC who rallied to GVN side)

at the

Chieu Hoi Center


SGT Nolan Wells  with a Friend  at a Village MedCap

- - - - - -   

Some of us really look great  in a uniform


when someone has a great manicure and a beautiful dress ( Ao Dai )

they can steal the show and they get all of the attention.

Planting Rice all day in a paddy really does wonders.

Teachers  and Kids  at a  1st Platoon school project

just slightly damaged by  INCOMING


Civic Action can be  TOO Successful  !

- - - - -

So every now and then,

a  few  very close,  dear,  personal  Friends

  send an unanticipated gift of  'IN-COMING'  Rounds


The Back Side of the School

- - - - -

Damage by  "In-Coming" rounds  !

A gift of furniture and books from the VC would have been a nice gift.


Benny Brown checking out

the new Counter-Mortar

Radar Unit


1st  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team  100 and later to MACV Team 44

Gia Dinh


1-LT Kerry Otterby



Kerry Otterby 1-LT

Orphanage in Gia Dinh Area

One Girl and Nine Guys

looking at the camera.

The Kids are now nearing

being 60 years old.


SFC Robert G. Gulley

Where are you in 2023 ?

SFC Robert G. Gulley

Team NCO Jan-Jun 1969

Opns NCO S-3   Jul 69 - Jan 70


The 1st Platoon Office at the

Gia Dinh CORDS Building

included a Roof Top Helipad

for  'AIR AMERICA'  Birds.


Captain Alfred  'Fred'  Dolder

Team Commander 1970


Volley Ball Game

near the Team House

in Gia Dinh - circa 1970


Vietnamese Entertainers

at the Team House

Gia Dinh - circa 1970


An  Very Elegant Embroidery Gift   presented to

Captain Fred Dolder  and to  the Men of the 1st AA Platoon

in appreciation of their help to the

ARVN Military Dependents Association  in Gia Dinh  (the Greater Saigon Area).

In 2016,  Fred Dolder  gifted this very fine art work to our Lineage Successor,

the 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion (Abn)  for permanent display at  the  92nd CA's new HQ Building.

Great Workmenship  and a Very Fine Gift  now at a great new home at  Fort Bragg, N.C.


2nd AA Platoon

attached to the

1st Infantry Division's  1st Brigade  at  Lai Khe

CPT Lewis G. Abney

1-LT Richard S. Sanders,  2-LT Allen T. Johnson

SSG Neal O. Moffitt,  SP4 Routh,  PFC Wayne Karna,  PFC Foster

PFC Darrol Ashworth,  PFC Butler

2-LT  Gray


CPT Lewis G. Abney

Platoon Commander



2nd AA Platoon - TIBER Team Detachment

attached to the

1st Infantry Division's  1st Brigade  at  Phuoc Vinh

SGT  Arthur  R. Tiber,   NCOIC

SP4 Stan Lukasik,   SP4 Ray T. Vega,   SP4 Romano

PFC Tom Pearson,   PFC  C. 'Dan' Terrell,

SGT Arthur R. Tiber (C)

Operation Cedar Falls



PFC Tom Pearson

carrying the PRC 25 Radio

Operation Cedar Falls


SP4  Stan Lukasik

'American Supervision'

doing the work himself

rather than supervising

the daily hire female laborers.

SP4  Ray Vega

working on a project  at

Bu Nard III

  Special Forces Camp


SGT Tiber "working"


Leading by example !


An NCO once said

"LT,  NCOs work for a living"

If you need  'Sand' for  

either Sand Bags

or to make concrete,

SGT Tiber  and the Team

dug their own

from a roadside ditch.

TIBER and the Team

stuck in the mud

on  RVN INTERSTATE  between

a new hamlet and Phuoc Vinh.

Awaiting a Tow from the

ARVN Triple AAA Club.


Tom Pearson (L) and

C. Dan Terrell (R)

Just in from Phuoc Vinh

Dan with some

Convoy Road Dust on Face

circa 1967


2nd  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team # 98 at Tan Uyen District,  Bien Hoa Province

CPT Chuck Gilmer,  1-LT Gary Steinhardt,   SP4 Robert Hardwick

SP4 Robert Hardwick

MedCAP Project

Tay Ninh

2nd AA Platoon Member

Name,  please

LTC Curtis A. Brewer (R)

CPT Parker F. Harris, MD (C)

visiting School Project

Bien Hoa Province


New Housing

at the

Bien Hoa Hospital

US-AID  Pig Farm Project

Yes Ma'am,   hold your nose !

It is not a Perfume Factory

Working with Boy Scouts

Bien Hoa



2nd  AA Platoon

attached to

25th Infantry Division in Cambodia

May - June 1970

Nui  Ba  Den - in rear view.

It never looked so good

until your going to Cambodia

On the road


Memot, Cambodia

Captain Chuck Gilmer

After being on the road a while,

wearing part of the road



Not exactly


Continental Hotel




Company HQ


Long Binh

The 2nd AA Platoon's

New Home

in Cambodia


there is no place like home

after a spring shower.


Primary Civil Affairs Mission


Feeding the People

Orphaned Cambodian Girl

Alone and Afraid

Working with

Cambodian Boy Scouts


2nd  Platoon

Does anyone have a Cellar Sump Pump we can borrow ?

Home, Sweet Home - in Cambodia

( Rear )

SP4 Robert Hardwick

( L - R  in Front )

LT Gaylord Cleveland,  CPT Charles Gilmer,  SGT McMillan,  SGT Michael Barry


3rd  AA Platoon

attached to the

1st Infantry Division's  3rd Brigade   at  Lai Khe

1-LT Robert Allan "AL" Kozu

SSG Ronald Gorman,  SP4 East.  SP4 Benzel W. Brown.  PFC Charles Transue,

1-LT  Robert "AL" Kozu

Phu Loi


SSG Ronald Gorman

Phu Loi


SP4 Benzel D. Brown (L)

SSG Ronald Gorman  (R)

Phu Loi - 1966


LIVING  GOOD   in  1966

The G.P. Tents  had 'wooden frames'  to keep them from sagging after the Monsoon.

With nearby  Underground Bunkers  for INCOMING


SSG Ron Gorman

using the facilities at the Screen Latrine


Senior SSG Ron Gorman (Rear)

observing newly assigned

SSG James L Penn (Front)

Joint Ops  3rd  and 1st  Plts

SP5 Nolan Wells (L)

SP4 Benzel Brown (R)

Joint Ops  3rd  and 1st  Plts


3rd  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Team 43   at  Cu Chi

CPT Richard F. Schulze,  1-LT Robert W. Petzold,  1-LT Jerry C. Cooper

  SSG  Frank H. Turnbull, 

SP4 James Burford,   SP4 Ronald G. Thomas,   SP4  J. Stanley Phillips


1-LT Robert Petzold,  1-LT Jerry Cooper,  SSG Frank Turnbull,  CPT Richard Schulze

SP4 James Burford,  SP4 Ronald Thomas,  SP4  Stan Phillips



An Dan Village  in  Duc Hoa

Just starting the New Housing Project - Early 1969




12 Bags of Cement

and add

12 Sheets of Tin Roofing


a lot of local sweat

are the self-help building blocks

for village housing

Villagers making Bricks

for THEIR New Houses

Final Stages

Stucco and White Paint


LT Jerry Cooper

Chief Engineer and Architect

An Dan - July 1969


An Dan Village in Duc Hoa

New Housing and the Canal has been Cleared of Debris

After July 1969


1-LT Butch Cope

Visiting the CORDS Office in Trang Bang

Note the House Trailer for the CORDS Advisor which is a bit nicer than a GP Tent

and with Housekeepers too !


4th  AA Platoon

attached to the

9th Infantry Division's  1st Brigade  at  Bear Cat  near  Long Thanh

CPT Joseph P. Frankoski  (CO-66)

1-LT Harold C. Lynch  (CO-67)

SSG Levin U. Ashby,  SP4 Robert Tompkins, PFC Alex P. Rohr,  PFC James Barron

PFC Borrego,   PFC Buck,  PFC Hughes

2-LT Richard Sanders  (CO-67)


     Served as an Advisory with the ARVN  2/48  Battalion  HQ at    Binh My,   a 'Strategic Hamlet'   (aka an anti-GVN inhabitants) located just off RVN Rt. 16.    A Huey landed unannounced.  SFC Thaggard, my infantry weapons advisor and I hustled to the chopper. A full Colonel dismounted.  We saluted,  the Colonel returned the salute and suddenly stopped and then loudly asked,

" When in hell was the last time you two had a shower ? ”

     For me it had been at least three months and for SFC Thaggard considerably longer."    I replied. He then ordered. "From now on,  take turns to go to Saigon - once a month for a shower ! "

    The Colonel reboarded the Huey and departed.  He never said why 'he had come to see us' !  We then discussed his order and concluded,  we didn't smell that bad.  Perhaps the Colonel had a more acute sense of smell.


Joseph P. Frankoski,

First Tour Assignment

1963  Capt.   Inf,  Abn,  Ranger

Advisor to the ARVN

2nd Batt / 48th Inf Regiment


Second Tour Assignment

2nd Civil Affairs


also a Third Tour

in RVN

CPT  Joseph P. Frankoski

Bear Cat Base Camp


CPT Joseph P. Frankoski (L)

1-LT Hal Lynch (R)

Long Thanh Area - 1966


9th Inf - Mine Clearing

the road to Long Thanh

to conduct a MedCAP

near Bear Cat

1-LT  Hal Lynch

Hamlet Survey

9th Inf - Bear Cat Area


Hal Lynch - 'Meet and Greet'

After the first glass of  Bac Si De,

graciously refusing the second !

'rice whiskey' moonshine

liquid  'dyno-mite'


4th  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team 86 at Tan An


4th AA Platoon Picture - circa 1968

( L - R )

CPT Arthur Musser,  1LT Gary "Lynn" Revell,

SFC James G. Hodge,  SSG James Baxendale,  SP4 Gary L. Cooper,  SP4 John Berkman


4th Platoon Vehicles

SNAP   and   CRACKLE   and   POP

not shown is the Platoon's  3/4 Ton Truck named   KELLOGS


4th Platoon Picture  -  circa 1970

CPT Dave Arkovich (C)  escorting

MG Jack Wagstaff  (II-FFV Deputy CG)   and   COL Beckner  (II-FFV G-5)

through a  4th AA Platoon Project  at

Luong Hoa # 7, Ben Luc  District, Long An Province on 2 Nov 1970

CPT Dave Arkovich (CO, 4th AA Platoon)  and  LTC Curtis Brewer  (CO, 2nd CA)

and other MACV Team 86 Members (at right - RTO and another with glasses).

- - - - -

Please note  Dave's  brand new, very white, tee shirt

  originally saved for his 'most  special future occasion' - for his DEROS flight home !


5th  AA Platoon

attached to the

9th Infantry Division's   2nd Brigade (Riverine)  at  Dong Tam

CPT Ralph W. Polce,  1-LT Gary M. Cusumano

SSG John Chapman,  SP5 luis Olivo  SP4  Walter F. Ziegler,  SP4 Robert E. Ayers

PFC Ben Neilson,  PFC Richard Ryals   PFC Robert Sayles

CPT  Ralph W. Polce


SSG Chapman,  SP4 Ayers

Rear  (L - R)  Front

SP5 Olivo,  1-LT Cusumano


5th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Advisory Team # 91

living at the  Gosney Compound  at  Phu Cuong City

CPT John R. Snook,  SGT Lowell T. Crider and SP5 Albert Ellis

CPT William J. Blackley,  1-LT Jerry G. Hayes,   1-LT John R. Buchmeir

SFC Roy Albin,  SGT Eubanks

SP4 Frye,  SP4 Moon,  SP4 Holloway,  PFC Corbin


CPT Robert Prud'homme,  2-LT Steve A. Dennis



CPT John R. Snook (L)

SGT Lowell T. Crider (C) (Medic) with Platoon

Getting Ready for a  MedCAP


5th Platoon Home

Gosney Compound

MACV Team 70

5th ARVN Division

Base Camp


In 1971

the U.S. Army had

a new uniform of the day

Bermuda Shorts

Robert Prud'homme


Steve A. Dennis




The 1971 Swimming Pool Project

Swimming Pool

Finishing the Concrete Floor

Swimming Pool

Forming the Walls

Swimming Pool

Almost Finished


Co-Op Warehouse

Steel Beam Erection

Co-Op Warehouse

Roof and Walls Installed

Co-Op Warehouse

Products in Warehouse


2-LT Steve A. Dennis

Do you remember " the H. I. " ?

and, Left Thumb, LEFT.


2-LT Steve A. Dennis (L)

CPT  Robert Prud'homme (R)

Phu Cuong

circa 1971


6th  AA Platoon

attached to the

9th Infantry Division's  3rd Brigade  at  Tan An

1-LT Glen Snow  66-67

2-LT Dwight Young  (OIC Early 67)

SSG Roberto Padilla,  SP5 Stephen Cull,   SP4 Cecil P. Foreman,   PVT  LeMasters,

- - - -

1-LT John J. Martin,   2-LT Dwight Young

  PFC John D. Berkman,  PFC Dennis Pierce,  PFC Lewis G. Kelly,  PFC Robert G. Walsh

- - - -

CPT Robert Murphy (CO 67-68),  1-LT Dwight Young   (67) 

1-LT Glen L. Snow

circa  1966


2-LT  Dwight Young

circa  1966


PSG Roberto Padilla

Tan An  circa  1967

SP5 Stephen Cull

with a Big Smile because

I am Going Home !

Plantation - Summer 1967

SP4 Cecil Foreman

Roof of Psy Ops Vehicle


PFC Dennis Pierce

Building  Bridges

Builds  Relationships

The Beginning of the Bridge

at hamlet near Tan An


Certainly not the Golden Gate

but important to the people.

Important   THEY  BUILT  IT  !


PFC Lewis G. Kelly



PFC Robert G. Walsh



Living at the  MACV District Advisory Compound

Utilities and the Infrastructure  need a bit  of improvement  !

Water Collection

Drinking and Shower


Gift from Australian Task Force


Odor Omitted


6th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Advisory Team # 90  at  Tay Ninh

CPT Joel Boroff,  1-LT Lloyd Seales

SSG James Sanchez,  SP5 Unthum,  SP5 Ingraham,  SP5 David O. Walker,  SP4 Joseph Garni


Inspection Tour  -  Hospital Under Construction - 1970

( L - R )

1LT Lloyd Seales,   LTC Harold Madden,   CPT Joel Boroff,   MAJ  David King (S-3)


Water Well Project

Inspection by the residents


Hoist for the Well and a Bucket

Ready for use.






Tuberculosis Hospital

Tay Ninh

Nov 1969 - Oct 1970


Every Journey

begins with a

First Step

No Machine,  so Hand Excavate

the Hospital Foundations

SP5 Dave Walker,  SGT Schnell,

SSG  Jimmie Sanchez

Hospital Building - Going Up

SSG Sanchez  and   SP5 Walker

next to the Building Columns

Capt Joel Boroff,

Thinking About the Work

Do we have enough ReBar ?

I hope this is going to work !


Setting the Ground Floor

Wall Forms

Bracing the Forms

Ground Floor Windows Poured

Starting on Second Floor


1-LT Lloyd Seales

Very Good Balance

Walking the Forms

2nd Floor - FLOOR Form Work Going up 'one more floor'

Carrying Sand & Stone

to the Mixer

Batch of Concrete

being Discharged

Half of a 55 Gallon Drum

Serving as  1/4  CY  Bucket



Ready to go up

1/4 CY at a time

When you do not have a Crane,

"Backup"  the 3/4 Ton Truck

to lift up the Concrete

Did the M-37s Clutch survive ?

On the Roof

Concrete being discharged

into Wheel Barrow


Humping  'the Concrete Mud'

this is real work and

it is not a Basket of Feathers.


Up on the Roof  *

Welding the Railings on the roof

* The Drifters,  circa 1962

View before the Opening


40 Bed Ward

Tuberculosis Hospital,

Tay Ninh

Another View

Waiting to get admitted

Ready for Occupancy   First Patients

Corner Stone Plaque

People of Tay Ninh

Philippine Civic Action Group

and the

6th AA Platoon, 2nd CA



Sad News in 2018

Joel Boroff  visited Vietnam  in 2018

and has reported that

the victorious  North Vietnamese  built a larger hospital nearby  in 1978

and then demolished the original  TB Hospital  in Tay Ninh in 1978.

A sad ending for a fine structure built for a noble purpose.



Erecting Flag Pole Flag Pole In Place


Philippines, Vietnam,  U.S.A.


French Swimming Pool

Before Repairs

Pool partially repaired

but being enjoyed

Pool in Use

Kids with smiles on their faces


The Light Fixture Factory

Restarting old production line

Installing the First Lights

Where else, in the factory

Flourescent Lights

Ready to ship


7th  AA Platoon

attached to the

25th Infantry Divisions's  1st Brigade  at  Cu Chi

- - - - -

CPT Thomas 'Del' Watkins,  1-LT James D. Weiskopf

SSG Simeon Corpuz,  SP5 Mowery,  PFC Jerome Buckman,  PFC James Tillotson

PFC Irwin Burakoff,   PFC Jack D. Gardner


CPT Thomas "Del" Watkins

Platoon Commander


Third Tour - 2 PHs


2-LT James D. Weiskopf,  AGC-PH

Admin Officer and later C. O.


and 27 Years Later, Ret COL


7th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Team 89   at   Nui Dat  and  Baria

- - - - -

CPT Richard Des Reis, 1-LT Neil Mc Donald,

SSGT Lloyd Ineichen, SSG James A. Mercer

PFC Richard Sherzan,  PFC Charles Hudson

- - - -

CPT John F. "Jack' Vassallo, Jr.,  2-LT Lee D. Robinson,

SFC Thomas D. Frechette, SP4 David O. Walker, SP5 Neil Alvarez,

SP4 Charles D. Hudson  and  SP4 Frank R. Ferreira

- - - - -

MACV Team 79   at   Vung Tau

CPT Charles Krozniak - 1969-70

SSG Lloyd Ineichen (L)


Capt Richard Des Reis (R)

in the field


7th Platoon at  MACCORDS Hq

LT Lee Robinson (L),

Filipino Civilian Advisor,

PFC Rich Sherzan (with Rifle),

PFC Charles Hudson (Rear),

SSG  John Mercer (Front Center),

Capt Richard Des Reis (R)

Capt Richard Des Reis (L)


1-LT Neil McDonald (R)

in the BOQ

at the

MACV 89 Team House


photos by

1-LT Neil McDonald

1-LT Neil McDonald

in 2 CA Jeep w/ Radio

circa 1968.

But 2 CA did not have its own

Radio Frequency  or a  SOI


Christmas at Baria Orphanage

Catholic Nun,

SFC Tom Frechette (L)

SSG Jim Mercer as Santa (C)

Two Members of 1ACAU (R)


April 1969  Picture ( L - R )

Back -  SFC Thomas Frechette,   SSG John Sneed,  SP4 David Walker,   SP5 Neil Alvarez,   ??

Front -  LTC Joseph Griffith,  2-LT Lee Robinson,  CPT John 'Jack' Vassallo

Squatting  -  PFC Charles Hudson,   SP4 Frank Ferreira


Neil Alvarez (L)


Clarence Johnson (R)

circa 1969









Ed Thompson

Delivering the Payroll

Vung Tau

circa  1970


8th  AA Platoon

attached to the

196th Infantry Brigade  at  Tay Ninh

2-LT Louis A. Stein (CO),  2-LT Dwight Young (XO)

SP5 Theodore C. Gant,  SP5 Phillip P. Denig,  PFC David T. Eggleston,  PFC Paul A. Cronan

SSG James Penn,  PFC Vincent Miller,   PFC George Graff,

  SP4  Paul D. Schaffer


1-LT Lou Stein,   SP-5 Phil Denig,   PFC David Eggleston,   PFC Paul Cronan,   Sgt Theodare Gant



Civic Action Success

requires local participation

Cronan  (L-R)  Gant

Cao Dai Orphanage

Swings Project - Before

Eggleston (L-R) Gant

Cao Dai Orphanage Tay Ninh

Swings Project - After

Kids Playing



The Viet Cong attacked and shot up the school

and then they set fire to the desks and the books which in turn burned off the wooden roof.

- - -

The 8th AA Platoon  secured the materials

for the new metal roof, to rebuild the desks as well as new text books and school supplies.

- - -

The people of  Tay Ninh  supplied the labor

to repair the school,  to paint the building  and  to install the new metal roof.

- - -

Successful Civic Action Projects require civilian participation


1-LT  Louis A.  Stein

Early Sept 1967

- - - - -

Just came into base camp and still carrying his .45 cal pistol.

He just signaled  'ONE'  with his right hand - for  "1 more day until my DEROS"

naturally with a big smile !

- - - - -

Starting a new career as  Professional Tour Tennis Player  - " Tennis Anyone ? "



8th  AA Platoon

attached to the

3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division  at  Tay Ninh

1-LT Timothy J. Calnen

SFC William Timmons,

SP5 Phillip P. Denig,   SP4 Clifford 'Kip' Mathison,  SP4 Paul D. Shaffer,   SP4 George Graff

SFC William L. Timmons


did return in 1971

and served as

" the Last " First Sergeant

of the

2nd  CA

from April 1971 until July 1971

when the Company

was inactivated.

1-LT  Timothy J. Calnen (L)

SFC William Timmons (R)


SP4  Paul D. Shaffer



Attending Local Sporting Events builds relationships


1-LT Timothy J. Calnen (L)  and  Major Diaz - MACV SubSector Advisory Team (R)

ARVN Captain Moi  -  the Phu Khuong District Chief  (C)

Cao Dai Priests  behind in white


8th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Team 88   at  Ben Tre

CPT Joseph E. Siwy,  SSG Clayton R. Shaw

  CPT Richard Meirowitz,  1-LT Jimmie R. Loftis,   SSG Clayton R. Shaw

Ambulance with Supplies


Kien Hoa

Kids waiting to see the Doctor

Perhaps the First Doctor

in their entire lives

Bac Si  Shaw

Giving Immunization Shots

While Other Kids Watch



New Location for the Team

in Kien Hoa

and a

New Project

Orphanage Self Help.

Orphanage Self-Help

Chicken Farm

Kien Hoa


Orphaned or Abandoned

Children are the

Innocent Victims of all Wars



Team Members

Rotate Home


The Need Remain


the Assistance Continues.

CPT Richard Meirowitz (L)

Buddhist Monk (C)

Orphanage Manager (R)

Ben Tre -  1969

CPT  Richard Meirowitz (L)

1-LT  Jimmie R. Loftis (R)

with the Kids at an Orphanage

Ben Tre - 1969


Captain Richard Meirowitz

at the

Kien Hoa Orphange


Ben Tre  Orphanage Children  on the  Vung Tau  Beach

courtesy of Captain Richard Meirowitz who got a  USAF C-130  to fly  6 Nuns and 130 Kids

from  Ben Tre  to  Vung Tau

for their first trip to the ocean with a ' Day at the Beach'


9th  AA Platoon

attached to

25th Infantry Division's   2nd Brigade  at  Cu Chi

1-LT  Byron (Ron) A. Schneider,  Jr.

  SGT Charles D. Liles,  SP4 James J. Barron,  SP4 Henry 'Chris' Schreiber,  SP4  Hector Nava

PFC John J. Hoy,  PFC Ronald G. Thomas

1-LT Phillip C. Grinton

1-LT Ron Schneider

Platoon Commander



Vietnam is a lush green land

with a "Surplus of Rice"

coveted by

many hungry neighbors in Asia.

Some rural areas

lacked protein in their diets.

Fish Farms

introduced a new food source

FISH  with protein.

Fish Farm Project

Cu Chi



SP4  Hector Nava

The first catch of fish



Henry 'Chris' Schreiber



(L to R )

SP4  John 'Hooter' Hoy

SP4  Hector Nava

SP5  Chris Schreiber

SP4 John J. Hoy

No Apple Trees in Vietnam,

so a  Banana-a-day

Keeps the Doctor Away !


1-LT  Phil  Grinton

Platoon Commander



9th  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team 49  at   Xuan Loc


PSGT  John W. Sneed

Medic John Sneed served in

France and Germany

during WW-II and

was discharged after the war.

He volunteered for the

Korean Conflict and again,

was discharged after the war.

He reenlisted and volunteered

to serve in Vietnam

PSGT  John Sneed

served in the 2nd CA

from the Summer of 1966

until   1 Jan 1970

when he was finally

allowed to retire - well almost.

Then he spent "some time"

in  Laos  ! ! !

He finally retired and owned a Peacock Farm in North Carolina and did collect a well deserved

Army Pension


SSGT John W. Sneed

served in the 2nd CA

for THREE full years as

PSGT and Team Medic


Long Giao  and  Xuan Loc

15 Dec 1966  to 1 Jan 1970


9th  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team 49  at   Xuan Loc


CPT Robert Parlow

CPT Lewis C. Midlam,  1-LT Stephen J. Kelly,  SP7 Ronald A. Winn


CPT Robert Parlow (R)

I got my 'Orders' and

I am going Home


CPT Lewis C. Midlam

Exciting Night Duty

at the TOC

1-LT Stephen J. Kelly (facing)

Pay Day

at the local Xuan Loc Bank

SP7 Donald A. Winn

Bronze Star Service Medal

congrats from CPT Midlam (R)


After returning from Cambodia

"cleaning" the 2CA vehicles

at the  'Monsoon' Car Wash


9th  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team 49  at   Xuan Loc


CPT Martin Santillo,  1-LT Eugene Stefaniak,  1-LT Christopher Murphy

SSG William Olmstead,

  SP5 Earl Campbell,  SP4 Richard Madrid,  SP4  Michael Garvey,  SP4 Anthony Christiana

SP4 Timothy Pickard


Team Photos - Below are   from the  Tim Pickard  Collection


9th Platoon Members - circa 1970

( L - R )

SP4 Mike Garvey (white shirt),  SP5 Earl Campbell,   new guy ??,   SP4 Anthony Christiana,

SP4 Timothy Pickard (partial in blue shirt),  1-LT Chris Murphy,   SSG William Olmstead


Cambodian Refugee Kids

at a  MedCAP  Tent City

near  Xuan Loc

after the

Cambodian Incursion

A New Building was built from

Empty Ammo Boxes.

The Vietnamese

recycled everything

the Wood and even the Nails !

Excited Students

going to a school

for the first time in their lives.

The School was a CA Project

and run by Buddhist Monks



an unsecured Montanyard  Village

the VC-NVA attacked and burned it seven times


It was Rebuilt  7  Times


SP4 Timothy Pickard


SSGT William Olmstead


1-LT Eugene Stefaniak



10th  AA Platoon

attached to the

4th Infantry Division's   3rd Brigade  at  Dau Tieng

1-LT Christian M. Provenzano

SP5 Harper,  PFC Byrd,  PFC Roeper,  PFC O'Connor

PFC Haynes,  PFC Jensen

2-LT James W. Jones

reflagged in Aug 67 as the

25th Infantry Division's  3rd Brigade

2-LT Charles D. Wray

SP5 Marcel L. Deschenaux


1-LT Christian M. Provenzano

Platoon Commander


- - - -

Lived in Vietnam, age 5-15

- - - -

Speaks at least five languages

and speaks Vietnamese

better than the Vietnamese !


Jeep  II-FFV 2CA - 10X HQ 6

Lost the during or just after  Battle after Soui Tre.

A  M-113 Armored Personnel Carrier  (Track)  could not stop !

SP5 Bob Roper - plus 3 other 10th Plt Members - were their when it happened.


2CA Mechanics - Rick Parent (L) and Tom Slusher (R)

attempting a  'Test Drive'  before  'Motor Sergeant'  'Bac Si' = 'Doc'   Chris Phoenix

declared the 'Bent Chassis Vehicle' as initially 'permanently disabled'  but  it was also an 'organ doner'.

The Deceased Vehicle was buried at the  'Tomb of the UnMarked Vehicles'  somewhere in RVN.

Rest in Peace, Amen.

Soccer at Dau Tieng

SP5 Marcel L. Descheneaux

tri-lingual classes

originally the Vietnamese

were learning French,

  now English.

Dau Tieng,  October 1967

The old Soccer Field

had fallen into disrepair

and was used as a pasture

for pigs and cows until

it was restored for Soccer use

by the 10th AA Platoon.

10th  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team 47  at   An Loc


SP5  Paul A. Menard


In Early 1969

then in his

3rd Year with 2nd CA



Back Row U.S. (L-R) -LT William Spaniard,    LT Robert Willett,

PFC Charles Transue   SP5 Paul Menard,    SSGT Melvin Loveday

Front Row U.S. (L-R) - CPT Walter Coles,   ARVN,   SP4 Stanley Lukasik,    ARVN,   SP4 ??

Front Row - ARVN (L-R) - SGT Fee and CPL Wan

Mar-May 1968

Ultimately, almost Three Full Years with the 2nd CA

except for Basis and AIT,  thus more than 2-1/2 years in RVN

Paul Menard,  Stan Lukasik  and  Charles Transue


Teaching English Class

An Loc School


Typical Rural Hamlet

An Loc area


MedCAP at Hamlet

An Loc area



SP4  Chad  Spawr

with Platoon Guard Dog


An Loc - 1968

SP4  Chad  Spawr

with  House Girl ,  a VC Spy !

Note the platoon priorities

Empty BUDs + Full Ammo Boxes

SP4  Chad  Spawr

with  CHARLIE  the monkey,

a VC secret weapon

'bites the hand that feeds him'


CPT Walter E. Bakle

with WW-II Carbine and two 30 Round  Banana  Magazines

circa 1968.

The 10th AA Platoon Area was not exactly the same as

the facilities and buildings in the 2nd CA Headquarters at the Plantation


1-LT Robert Willett

Painting the 10th Platoon Sign


the 2nd CA Badge

painted under his right elbow


the Team Mascot

"going for a ride in the jeep"


lucky to live inside the wire


Thieu Ta  (= ARVN Major) Phue

visiting the 10th Platoon Area

just before the award ceremony for

SP5 William A. Clepper's   Bronze Star (V)

picture below


10th AA  Platoon Picture  at  An Loc  in 1969

ARVN SGT Thai,  CPT Masaharu Ellis,   SP5 Medic William A. Clepper,   SP4 Dennis Piper

SGT Jim Reavis,   1-LT James Haynes;   PFC John E. Breslin

- - - - -

An ARVN (RF-PF) Front Gate Guard 'Turn Coat Traitor'

enable the VC-NVA to get inside the wire

Two MAC-V  Infantry LTs  with the Mobile Advisory Team were KIA.

Medic Clepper (BS-V) pursued the retreating VC-NVA 'outside the wire'

and  'eliminated'  the traitor and two other attackers.


SP4  Paul A. Cedotal

circa 1969


PFC Thomas Humphries

circa 1969


William A. Clepper


Specialist General 5th Class


The  10th AA Platoon   Tent

The   NVA-VC  tried to "To Win the Hearts and Minds"  -  their way

with  AK 47s,  RPGs,  82 mm Mortars  and  122 mm Rockets.

MACV Advisory Team 47 and the 10th Platoon  did not let  them into the MACV Compound

but the  NVA-VC   did leave a few  'calling card'  holes in the 10th Platoon's  EM Tent

before the  1st Cavalry  forced them to leave the   An Loc  area  for the safety of Cambodia


11th  AA Platoon

attached to the

11th Armored Cavalry  at  Blackhorse Camp at  Long Giao  south of   Xuan Loc

1966 - 1967

CPT Michael G. Glynn,  1-LT Dennis Santillo,

SSG Lavallee,  SSG John W. Sneed,  SP5 Carl Estenik,  SP4 Clifford  'Kip'  Mathison,

1967 - 1968

PFC  Al Blainey,  PFC Tom Dill,  PFC Kleipeis,   PFC Don Kunego

2-LT Elliott,   2-LT  Michael Gerson


CPT Michael G. Glynn

Blackhorse Camp


- - -

First Tour 1963-64 - Infantry Advisor ARVN Battalion

Second Tour - 2nd Civil Affairs

Third Tour - Laos - Awarded a Laotian Airborne Operations Medal


Dennis Santillo   1-LT QMC

' Borrowed '

mor' than a few

Shoulder Holsters

from the 11th Cav

to equip the  2nd CA


SSG  John Sneed (R)

showing  Pig Farm Project

to visiting 2nd CA Co

  1SGT  Ervin Morlan (L)



Right Shirt Pocket Metal Pin

Courtesy of Carl Estenik

Carl Estenik


Relocating the S-5 Office

within Blackhorse Base Camp


Don Kunego

at project near Xuan Loc


Don Kunego

on Guard Duty at

ARVN Camp  near  Xuan Loc

Don Kunego (R)

preparing for Leaflet Drop

on Psy Ops Mission

Convoy Make Up Point

Blackhorse Base Camp

( L - R  in Vehicle )

Don Kunego,  2-LT Elliott,

Al Blainey and

Tom Dill  (Standing)



2- LT  Michael Gerson

Summer - 1967


He served as Medic in

France, Belgium, and Germany

during WW-II and then he was

discharged after end of WW-II.

He re-enlisted as Medic for Korea

and then discharged again

after 1953 Armistice.

He reenlisted again

for service in RVN in 1966.

He retired  'In-country'

on 1 Jan 70

with 20 year of service

and re-enlistment credits.

He said that  'He vacationed'

in Vientiane,  Laos

for a few months (Dah, Duh)


and later he had a few weeks

of  R&R time  in Thailand.


SSGT John W. Sneed,

a qualified combat medic,

served in the 2nd CA

for THREE full years as

Platoon Sergeant (PSGT)


Long Giao  and  Xuan Loc

15 Dec 1966  to 1 Jan 1970


11th  AA Platoon

attached to the

29th Civil Affairs Company, Third Marine Amphibious Force (3-MAF) in  I-Corps

XXIV (24th) Corps

Dong Ha

the last town in Sout Vietnam at the DMZ and the next town is in North Vietnam

1-LT David N. Inwood, III

1968 - 1969


11th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Team 48  at  Ham Tan

with the Platoon being split into Teams located at

Ham Tan,  Vo Dat,  Hoai Duc and  Tanh Linh


LT James I. Sneed (L)  and  CPT John P. McCray (papers in right hand)

conducting a tour of  Ham Tan  with LTC Curtis Brewer (C)

with DoD Civilian  Mr. ???  -  the MACV PSA Advisor and

CPT Chuck Gilmer (R) - the Operations Officer of 2nd CA


Ham Tan Team

SP4 Charles Stielau,  PFC Richard J. Maier,  SGT Raymond J. Borkowicz,  ARVN SGT ???


CPT John P. McCray

Ham Tan - 1970

1-LT Larry Siegel

with  ARVN Dai Uy  Chin

1-LT James I. Sneed

Ham Tan - 1970

The Building of the

Ham Tan Refugee Camp


border area Vietnamese

relocated to a safe area

after the

1970 Cambodian Invasion

Cat 12F  Road Grader

Land Clearing

Sandy Soil Area

to make the

Refugee Camp Site


Pile of Trees

for use as Tent Poles

What happened to the

U.S. supplied

Hard Wood Tent Poles ?


ARVN Soldier

Erecting Camp Tents

ARVN Troops

Erecting the Tents

Completed Camp

Awaiting Refugee Arrival


Windmill powered

Water Well Irrigation Pump

( L - R )

1-LT Robert  Prud'homme

SGT Dennis K. Brinkman

Village Chief and Official


Successful  Civic  Action  Projects

start with

the Villagers Identifying the need for a local project;

the Villagers requesting materials through the  GYN  Channels;


  Local Labor to complete the project.


Identifying the Need.

A foot path across a Creek

that needs a Culvert

Local Labor and Materials


Make the Pipes

Pipes Installed

awaiting backfilling

soon to have a road over


Vo Dat Team


   x  x  

Hoai Duc Team

    x  x

Tanh Lien Team


SSG Arthur R. Tiber

Stationed at Tanh Lien

after Cambodia

Jul - Sep 1970

4th Year 'In-Country' w/ 2nd CA

ordered home

returned for  Tour 5  and  Tour 6


12th  AA Platoon

attached to the

173rd Airborne Brigade (Separate)   at  Bien Hoa AFB

2-LT  1-LT  A. Patrick Garrity  (66-67)

SSG James R. Kemper,  SGT  Trevor 'Norm' Long,

SP4 Alton P. Bush,   SP4 Thomas Riggle,

SP4 George W. Scott

PFC Larry Lucero,  PFC Bruce Tilford,   PFC Thomas Hequet


1-LT Emery George Mikula

the S-5 of the 173rd Airborne - KIA in Operation ROBIN - 13 Oct 1966

After finishing a MedCAP and exiting that village (Phouc Mai (?)

then intending to travel to (Lo Gam - ??) to help other Vietnamese civilians,

they were KIA with Claymore - a command dentonated mine.

Personal Picture from   SP-5 Robert Geib  -  1966-1969 RVN - w/ 173rd and w/ 2CA

- - - -

Website Indulgence

Alumni of Saint Peter's College ('YY) who were in Civil Affairs and / or the 2nd Civil Affairs Company

'57 - Captain-Major Joseph P. Frankoski - 1966-1967 - 2CA

'64 - 1-LT Emery G. Mikula - KIA 1966  ***

'65 - 1-LT Joseph M. Napp - 1966-1967  ***

*** ROTC Fraternity Brothers ***

'67 - 1-LT Martin P. Feeney - 1968

PH - Defending MAC-V Advisory Team #2 Compound

after the   2CA   17th Platoon's   MedCAP

in a hamlet, one of many, that claimed to have been the 'home town' of

North Vietnam's Leader  -   Ho Chi Minh  -  who was reportedly born in  I-CTZ,  RSVN


1-LT  A. Patrick Garrity

Platoon Commander


at 173rd Airborne Base Camp

Bien Hoa


Sleeping in  6'x3's

Below Ground - Every Night

  for about 30 days

Dec 66 - Jan 67

1-LT  Pat  Garrity


Parachute Forward

in the 173rd Brigade Area

in the Rung Sat 'Special Area'.

Not a MedCAP friendly area.

Definitely not the

173rd S&T Battalion Area

and not a

typical field assignment for

Trans Corp LT


Christmas Day 1966 at

Parachute Forward

Christmas Tree and Gifts

SGT Long  (L-R)  LT Garrity


LT Garrity  (L-R)  SP4 Bush

at 173rd Brigade S-5

Bien Hoa



On the Road to Nhon Trach

12th Plt working with 4th Plt

2-LT Garrity (L) 12th Plt

SSG Ashby (R) 4th Plt

SSG Kemper (Rear) 12th Plt


2-LT Pat Garrity (R)

in the "DZ" at  Katum, RVN

calling for a MedEvac

after the Assault Landing

by elements of the

173rd Airborne Brigade

between 0900 and 0907 Hrs

- - - -

The 12th Plt was "in the DZ"


12th  AA Platoon

attached to the

101st Airborne Division  at  Bien Hoa AFB

1-LT  CPT  John J. Martin  (67-68)


SGT Trevor N. Long,   SP4  Alton Bush

SP4 Bruce W. Tilford,   PFC Thomas Hequet,


  SP4  George W. Scott,   SP4  Robert R. Geib

SSG  Larry J. Meredith


Having  FUN  !

12th  AA Platoon Members

having  FUN  at the

34' Tower  and practicing  PLFs,

173rd Airborne Brigade Base Camp  at  Bien Hoa  AFB


1-LT John J. Martin

Early Jan 1967

Four Years In-Country

101st,   2nd CA

MAC-V  162  @  ARVN Abn

12 Training Jumps

plus  2 were Black below


CPT John J. Martin (L)

with borrowed hat from a kid

waiting for

the for convoy to move out .

Other names not remembered.


PFC  Tom Hequet

standing under a

village election poster for

Gen Nguyen Cao Ky

SP4  Alton P. Bush

with Jeep  X-29

just locally repainted

the price - a case of  C-Rats

Robert Geib and George Scott

( L - R )

visiting a wounded USMC

'jump school'  friend (C).


Note the,

White Tow Hooks !

possibly painted for a

CG Inspection of a CA Project ?

or as  MP Camouflage ?

or as  pimp-mobile ?

Sorry guys,

need to have some Fun on site.



Joe Napp

visiting a 12th Plt Project


12th  AA Platoon


MACV Team  94 / 67  at  Song Be


CPT Eugene J. Doll



Ed Thompson

Note the Pocket Patch for

2nd Civil Affairs Company

SP5 James Unkerfer

Song Be


13th  AA Platoon

attached to the

199th Infantry Brigade  at  Cat Lai

CPT William Massey,  2-LT Robert Solum

SSG Floyd R. Wolcott,  SP5 Robert R. Bulls,  PFC Ray T. Vega,  PFC Roland 'Bill' Siegmund

PFC Melvin J. "Chief" Lyons.   PFC Wayne Olson,  PFC Leo Thomas

1-LT William E. Schultze

CPT William C. Massey

Platoon Commander


Extended for Second Year

was S-3 and then XO in 68

SSG  F. R. 'Wally' Wolcott

ARVN Interpreter  Nia

enjoying a leisurely

sunny afternoon.


SP5 Robert R. Bulls


Cat Lai

2CA Jeep  X-13


Life begins with a Tent (L)

and then

Sand Bag Walls are built

even later a

Screened in Porch is added

and finally

The LONE STAR Flag (R)

of the

Republic of Texas

SSG  F. R. 'Wally' Wolcott

'Home Sweet Home'

Tent City - Cat Lai

199th Inf Bde Base Camp


The  LONE STAR  Flag

of the

Republic of Texas

and the

VC did not haul it down !


SSGT Wolcott and Carpenters

every project begins with

the 'first cut' of a saw


SSGT Wolcott

advising the Carpenters

on the building of a school



The  Cat Lai Base Camp  version of the   Atlantic City Boardwalk

Pioneer Living was normal in 1966  but  improvements were always being made.

- - - - - - - -

The Tents at the left were sagging after a Monsoon Rain

so  2"x4" Frames were built inside the GP (General Purpose) Tents,

if you want Hot Water for a shower or a shave, put an Immersion Heater into a Garbage Can,

need a Shower,  you use a  5 Gallon  Canvas Bag,

Table with Wash Pans and add a small Mirror and you can shave,

Sand Bag Walls to give some protection from In-Coming

Pallets and Planks  made  Tent Floors and Sidewalks.

and a

Palm Tree was planted  to make the place seem like the beach and the 'Jersey Shore'


13th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Team 66  at  My Tho

CPT Jack Keats

In 1971,  CPT   E.  Gordon (Gordo)  Hagewood

SP6 Christian R. Guillot,   SP5 Bobby Wayne Crouch,  SP5 Stanley L. Herrin

Picture of the entire  MAC-V Advisory Team 66  -  4 July 1969

Picture courtesy of Captain Dick Gordon ( Row 2, sixth from left ) - the S-2 of Team 66



13th Platoon Members in this group picture are:

CPT Jack Keats ( Row 3 - third from left - sun glasses);


Hamlet Survey Map

Dinh Tuong Province

December 1967


1-LT  E. Gordo Hagewood

Visiting 'V.C.' Suspects

in a  My Tho  'Holding Cell'

awaiting ARVN 'White Mice' MPs

or a   CIA-PRU Team

1-LT Gordo Hagewood (L)

with MAC-V Team 66

CORDS Advisor  Gene Whitmer


1-LT  Gordo Hagewood (C)

visiting MAC-V Team Members

' up, up, on the Roof '

of an  old French Hotel

My Tho   1971


14th  AA Platoon

attached to the

1st Australian Task Force   at   Baria  and  Nui Dat

1st Australian Civil Affairs Unit  -  1ACAU

CPT Richard Church  (1966-67)

SP5 Robert Tompkins

SP4 Daniel J. Hanzely

PFC Otto,  PFC Piper,  PFC Rivers,  PFC Varner

PSGT Tompkins previously served an 'American Volunteer'  with Royal Australian Air Force

in North Africa and in France  in WW-II   as  'Aerial Rear Gunner' (PH).

1-LT  A. Patrick Garrity  (1967)

In late 1967-68,  Capt Richard Des Reis   and  SSG Lloyd Ineichem

CPT  Richard Church  with  Australian LTC John F. McDonagh and  MAJ John Donohoe


Pig Farm  Project

Hold Your Nose

Hoa Long,  Vietnam  1967


Seated in the truck (L-R)

U.S. Army Captain  Dick Church  of Augusta, Georgia

the second in command of the  Task Force  Civic Action Team.

Australian Army Nurse - Lieutenant  Colleen Mealy  of Port August

a young Vietnamese boy named  "Rabbit"  and

Australian Army Nurse - Lieutenant  Terrie Roche  of Goulburn, NSW.

Two of the First Four Australian Nurses "The Fab Four' (Nurses are called Sister) in RVN.





15th  AA Platoon

attached to the

25th Infantry Division's  Support Command

and later to the

25th Infantry Division's 1st Brigade  at  Cu Chi

CPT Haisler


16th  AA Platoon

attached to the

54th Artillery Group  at  Xuan Loc

CPT Daniel F. Lufkin,   SP5 Carl Estenik, PFC Manfre


PFC  Manfre

Joint Operation with the

1st AA Platoon from Phu Loi


16th  AA Platoon

attached to

MACV Team # 92  at   Go Cong Province

1-LT Hansel H. 'Butch' Cope,  Jr.

SSG William J. Hoggatt,  SP4 Frank M. Ferreira,  SP4 Melvin J. Lyons

1-LT  Thomas G. Bostock,  SSGT  Arthur R. Tiber  and  SP4 Larry Loines



1-LT  Cope  and  SP4  Lyons

( L  -  R )

'On the Beach'

at the

South China Sea

Go Cong  Province


1-LT  Thomas G. Bostock (R)

with MACV 92 RTO Christiana

sometimes CA personnel

go on patrols in Delta Canals.

Note the watermarks

up to their genitals


17th  AA Platoon

attached to the

23rd Artillery Group  at  Phu Loi

1-LT Robert H. Solum

CPT Martin R. Hurwitz,   SSG Carl G. Hollahan  

  SP4  Thomas  Mechling

23rd Artillery CA Volunteer

Helping with a

Project  GADSDEN

Home Building Project


17th  AA Platoon

attached to

  29th Civil Affairs Company  -  Dec 1968 - Mar 1970

MACV Team # 2  at  Hghia Hanh,  I-Corps

CPT Kerry Otterby,  1-LT Martin Feeney,  1-LT William G. Austin

SSG Gribble

SGT Frankin Douglas Miller  - (Sep 68 - Sep 69)

SP6 Woodrome,  SP4 Luis Rivas-Torre,  PFC Brown

Kerry Otterby

CPT - Dec 1968

1-LT Martin Feeney


Franklin D. Miller MAC-V SOG Awarded Medal Of Honor January 5, 1970

MACV-SOG's top-secret beginnings




2 CA Tour

Franklin Douglas Miller | Vietnam War | U.S. Army | Medal of Honor Recipient

After his one year tour of duty initially with the  19th Platoon  and later with the  17th Platoon

which ended in September 1969,

SSGT  Franklin Douglas 'Doug' Miller

returned to the   5th Special Forces - Studies & Observation Group  (MACV-SOG).

He (One-Zero) lead his team on Long Range Patrol inserted into Laos in 1970

subsequently earned and was awarded  The Medal of Honor  

for conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty on January 5, 1970.

He was also awarded a  Silver Star, two  Bronze Stars-V , and six  Purple Hearts

 during his six years service in Southeast Asia.


18th  AA Platoon

attached to  HHC,  9th Division  at  Bear Cat  (1967-68)

to work with the S-5  of the  Royal Thai Army

Queen's Cobras  Volunteer Regiment  of the  Black Panther Division

1-LT Earl C. Wright,   2-LT Henry 'Tim' Mather,

SSG Michael Fumai,   SP5 Carroll King,   SP4 Thomas Dill,   SP5 Carl Estenik

The 18th Platoon and Allies from Thailand

18 February 1968

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SP5 King,   SP4 Dill,  Thai MSG Annata,  LT Mather,  SSG Fumai,

Thai SGT Suchati,  Thai CPL Pissit,  Thai MSG Samruii

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1-LT Wright,   Thai Chaplain - CPT Vichote,   Thai S-5 - CPT La-Or

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THAILAND  translates into the  "Land of the Free"


1-LT Earl C. Wright (R)

2-LT Henry 'Tim' Mather (L)

at the opening of a Dispensary


18th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Team 91   at   Dau Tieng  (1969-1970)

Captain ???,   1-Lt Patrick M Farren,

  SFC William J. Rutledge,   SGT Frank Geyer,  SP7 Ozzie Kinat,  SP4 Cuthin,  Medic ???


1-LT  Patrick McFarren;  CPT ???;  SP4  Cuthin;  Medic ???

SGT  Frank Geyer  and  SP7 Ozzie Kinat


Manor House

Michelin Rubber Plantation

Dau Tieng

Village Street

CPT  ??? (L)

SP7 Ozzie Kinat  (C)

SFC William Rutledge  (R)


Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes

and Gifts for Kids

in the Dau Tieng area - 1969


After a long day of civic action,


But it is a long way from the  Team House  in Dau Tieng

to a

Bar on Beacon Street in Boston

Where  everybody  knows  your  name


SFC Robert Gulley,  SP4 AL Grant  and  SP-7 Ozzie Kinat (Ret SMG)

19th  AA Platoon

attached to the

II-FFV Artillery HQ   at  Bien Hoa

CPT  Richard W. Hahn,  1-LT Gary M. Cusumano,

2-LT Charles Buchanio

SSG J. F. Forman,   SP5 Robert R. Bulls,  SP5 Nolan Wells


CPT Richard W. Hahn

Formed 19th Plt in July 1967

1-LT Gary M. Cusumano



Delivering  CARE  School Supplies  to a  Catholic Orphanage

Two Novice Nuns (L);  Nun with Kids and ARVN (C) and  SP5  Robert F. Bull (R)

a combined Church and School Room

with a few Benches and a soon to be Blackboard


19th  AA Platoon

attached to the

MACV Team 91  at  Phuoc Vinh

CPT Forrest L. Horn,  1-LT Ronald L. Rush,  1-LT William Racca

SSG  Arthur R. Tiber

SGT Franklin Douglas Miller  (Sep 68 -  Sep 69)

SGT Joe Lewis, Jr,   SP5 Patrick Sullivan,  SP5 Lee Linthicum

SSG  Arthur R. Tiber

at Team House

Phuoc Vinh

he served

  Four Years  with  2nd CA

1966 - 1970


SP5 Patrick Sullivan



SGT Joe Lewis, Jr.

Phuoc Vinh Team House



1-LT  Forrest  L. Horn


Platoon Commander


with a

Dog named " Lucy "

the newest Team member.

1-LT William Racca

cleaning an AK-47 w/ MoGas

while enjoying a cigarette

Transferred into

1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile)


1-LT Ronald L. Rush


Platoon Commander

SGT  Arthur R. Tiber

with a

RF-PF  "body guard"

who has an

old  M-1 rifle


to a theater near you


SGT Tiber  and  Team Member

building an outdoor stand

to house the first TV set

for the people of Phuoc Vinh.


SP4 Andrew 'Sonny' Spirito,  SSG Arthur R. Tiber,  SSG Robert Gach,  LT  Willie McCrary

19th Platoon Photo at Phuoc Vinh

circa 1969


LT  Willie McCrary

with a Jeep called ' Maverick '

" borrowed "

from the original owner !


SP5  Lee  Linthicum


Humping the Gear



After his one year tour of duty initially with the  19th Platoon  and later with the  17th Platoon

which ended in September 1969,

SSGT  Franklin Douglas 'Doug' Miller  (Top Right)

returned to the   5th Special Forces - Studies & Observation Group  (MACV-SOG).

He (One-Zero) lead his team on Long Range Patrol inserted into Laos in 1970

subsequently earned and was awarded  The Medal of Honor 

for conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty on January 5, 1970.

He was also awarded a  Silver Star, two  Bronze Stars-V , and six  Purple Hearts

 during his six years service in Southeast Asia

Franklin D. Miller Medal of Honor coffee or die
SGT Franklin Douglas 'Doug' Miller (R)

The  TIBER Team  (Provisional)


photos from

29 miles inside Cambodia at

Landing Zone  DAVID  near  O Reang,  Cambodia

SSG Arthur R. Tiber (NCOIC)

SSG Arthur R. Tiber

1970 - In Cambodia

His 4th Year with  2nd CA Co

then Ordered HOME,

SGT Tiber came back for

Tour # 5 and Tour # 6


Interpreter Mike Garvey (L)  and  SSG Arthur Tiber (R)

with Cambodian CIDG in their ARVN Tiger Stripe Uniforms

near Fire Support Base DAVID

Cambodia - 1970


The TIBER Team

is uniformed in

ARVN Tiger Stripe Uniforms

- - - -

When small teams are working

in the villages,

you should not be a 'stand out'

in  regular U.S. Army

Jungle Fatigues  !

SP7   Frank  H. Turnbull

Medical Specialist


several local languages

SP4 Michael E. Garvey

Interpreter of Music

and  Vietnamese.

But probably not Cambodian !


SP5  Lee  Linthicum

with ARVN Interpreter

distributing food and clothes

to Cambodians


Buddhist Monks ?

Their heads are not shaved  !

VC Chaplains  or  NVA Spies ?

Lee Linthicum in background

at rear, Mother breast feeding


Nat Geo Photographer

Arthur R. Tiber


The Executive Suite

at the



Landing Zone DAVID   in  Cambodia.

- - - - -

Deluxe Accommodations for the six man team with

Leaky Roof,  No Shower,  No Screen Latrine

but with

"Mormon Board" sand bag walls between your own 6x3s inside the bunker

- - - - -

Unloading Refugees and food from the choppers.

- - - - -

The TREE on the far right horizon was the MedCAP station.


20th  AA Platoon

attached to the

1st Infantry Division's  1st Brigade  at  Phuoc Vinh

and later at   Quan Loi

SGT Arthur R. Tiber - NCOIC

2-LT Harry B. Field, III

SSG Melvin Loveday,  SP4 Stan Lukasik,  PVT Charles Transue,  SP4 Chad Spawr


20th Platoon Hq - The Team House

1-LT Harry B. Field, III  (R)

SP4 Stan Lukasik (L)

please note the Refrigerator at rear right

MP SGT Tiber "secured" the Two Refrigerators

so they 'would not be stolen' from  the special  House Trailers

intended to have been residences for  U.S. Army  Generals.

When the 'first' Refrigerator did not work,

SSGT  Tiber  and  SP4 Pearson

secured a second working Refrigerator for the 'Tiber Team'

as well as

at least  two Jeeps - not properly secured by the others.

At least, one pre-1966 Jeep was  'serviced'  by 2CA  'Motor Sergeant'  Chris Phoenix.

SGT Tiber's always  'secured'  U.S. Government Property

to insure it would not used by VC-NVA .

But when South Vietnam lost,  the NVA seized the two working Refrigs

as well as  SSGT Tiber's  Multi-National Special Weapons Room .


SSG Melvin Loveday

Quan Loi


PFC Charles Transue

Quan Loi


SSG Melvin Loveday

Team NCO and Executive Chef

preparing a gourmet meal


21st  AA Platoon


The Frienship Platoon

  working directly for the

G-5, II-FFV  via the  2nd Civil Affairs Company at  Long Binh

CPT Jerry K. Wall,   1-LT Joseph E. Siwy,

SSG Jurina,   SP4 Paul A. Menard,   PFC Melvin E. Stone

CPT Jerry K. Wall (R)


PFC Melvin E. Stone (L)

2nd CA BOQ Area - Sep 67

1-LT Joseph E. Siwy

21st Platoon Office

formerly used by

Company CO in Old H.Q. Bldg

SP4 Paul A. Menard





Widows Village Houses

before TET

31 Jan 1968


Ho Nai Village

House Destroyed

by VC / NVA

during TET -  31 Jan 1968


Rebuilding Ho Nai

Laying New Foundation

CPT Jerry K. Wall (C)

1-LT Joseph E. Siwy (R)

New Home

Under Construction

After TET


1-LT Joseph Siwy

The Day After the Fighting Ended

Emergency Food Distribution to the Refugees from Ho Nai and Widows Village

from 2nd CA Civilian Supply Warehouse and from other U.S. Units


1-LT Bobby Chandler (L)  and  1-LT Joseph Siwy (R)

After TET '68  in the  ARVN's Widows Village  across Highway from  II-FFV Plantation Hq Base Camp


Bui Chieu Hamlet  of  Ho Nai  Village

CPT Guy Gardner (L),   1-LT Joseph Siwy (C)  and  CPT Eugene J. Doll (R)


1-LT Bobby C. Chandler



LT Chandler (L) and LT Siwy (R)


22nd  AA Platoon

working directly for the

2nd Civil Affairs Company  at   Long Binh

CPT Eugene J. Doll,   SP5  Edwin L. Martin

Captain Eugene J. Doll



SP5   Ed Martin

Plantation Base Camp




CA Teams  31  through   37


were created in  Nov 67  with  Senior Cadre  from 2nd CA Platoons

to function as  Advance Party  Liaison Teams

in anticipation of the planned  Mar 68   transfer of the Platoons

from the Brigades  to  the MACV Teams


31st  CA Team

attached to

MACV Team  100  at  Gia Dinh

1-LT William Schultze  

32nd  CA Team

attached to

MACV Team  98  at  Bien Hoa


33rd  CA Team

attached to

MACV Team  43  at Cu Chi


34th  CA Team

attached to

MACV Team  86  at  Tan An

CPT  Robert E. Murphy

SP4  Don Kunego

MACV Team 86

Mansfield Compound

SP4  John Januik

35th  CA Team

attached to

MACV Team  91  at  Phu Cuong City


CPT  John  R.  Snook (C)

Interpreter (L)

Guard (R)

in CA Camouflage

CPT John R. Snook


Unknown Lady

New Helmet & New Flack Vest


36th  CA Team

attached to

MACV Team  90  at  Tay Ninh

CPT Walter Coles


37th  CA Team

attached to

MACV Team  89  at  Duc Thanh  north of  Vung Tau


Capt Richard Des Reis (R)

SSG Lloyd Ineichen (L)




Royal Australian

Task Force Vietnam


CPT  Richard Church (R)

at   1ACAU  HQ    with

LTC  John F. McDonagh (L)

Brigadier (Ret)

CPT Dick Church (R)

with Australian Reporter

showing him a traditional Vietnamese meeting posture

LTC John F. McDonagh (L)

The Final Briefing

before a mission by the

1st Australian Civil Affairs Unit


Australian PTE Littlejohn


captured VC Megaphone


Australian SGT  Russ Tetlow

providing the

"Money for Guns"

to give to two  Ho Chanhs

via  ARVN  LTC Tu

Phuoc Tuy Province Chief


LTC  Kevin Latchford

C.O. of the 1ACAU 1967-68


Australian  Don Limm

1st Australian Civil Affairs Unit

Nui Dat


Currently  PUBLISHER  of the

1ACAU  Newsletters

and a Good Friend via E-Mail


Major Donohoe's

original  WHAM  flag.

Others were made for

1-ACAU Vehicles.


The VC-NVA initially had a

do not shoot at WHAM

policy because

at the end of the war,

the VC-NVA would win

and get the benefits of  the

1-ACAU  building projects.

When the effectiveness of the

Civic Action Projects

was fully understood

by the VC-NVA,

a "Cash Bounty" of

US $ 50.00

was offered for the death of

an 1-ACAU Team Member.

The Civic Action Teams

were too successful.

The WHAM flags became the

target for VC Snipers

and the flags were removed

from the Aussie vehicles.

Some are now in museums.


The ultimate evaluation of

Civic Action


is the enemy's reaction !



True Friendships  and  Lasting  Relationships

begins with sharing food, drink and values

and regretfully

shedding blood together



14th AA Platoon

was attached to the

1st Australian Task Force

1st Australian Civil Affairs Unit


Nui Dat,

Phuoc Tuy Province

just north of

Vung Tau.

LTC John F. McDonagh (R)

(retired Brigadier General)

1st Australian Task Force


LTC David E. Wade (L)

2nd Civil Affairs


LTC ??  and  MAJ Donohoe

Members of  1ACAU

at the


Never try to out-drink

the Aussie Major on the right  !




The Australians are great people  and  wonderful friends.

Never drink   Brandy and Ginger  with No Ice !

Never accept  an Australian's challenge  to play HIS  game.

No matter  'how silly or simple'  his game appears to be,   never accept  his challenge.

$ORRY  MATE,    YOU  LO$E  !

JMN  bought the  'next round of beers'.






America's  Best  Friend

with us in both World Wars,   with us in Korea,   with us in Vietnam

and  even now

with us again  -  in Kuwait,  in Iraq  and  in Afghanistan !

Democracies always help one another


do not war against each other





Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force


The Thai S-5 Group  and  our 18th Platoon

18 February 1968

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SP5 King,   SP4 Dill,  Thai MSG Annata,  LT Mather,  SSG Fumai,

Thai SGT Suchati,  Thai CPL Pissit,  Thai MSG Samruii

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1-LT Wright,   Thai Chaplain - CPT Vichote,   Thai S-5 - CPT La-Or

not pictured

SGT Carl Estenik (future U.S. Secret Service Agent  and  later a College Professor)






The country's name translates into the "The Land of the Free".

The Thai government asked for 5,000 volunteers

to staff a brigade for service in Vietnam

and more than 15,000 Thais volunteered.

From 1968 to 1972

approximately one full division of 15,000 men

from Thailand

served in Vietnam.

Thank You to all who served.




The Greatest Day of Every Tour

Date  Eligible for Return from Overseas Station


1SGT  Harrison  (L) saying

Thank You   and   Good Bye

to some of the  Second Increment Men  in the Truck (L-R)

SP4 Vincent Miller,   SP4 Robert Walsh,  ?,   SP4 Thomas Varner,   SP4 Eddie Borrego

and  to

SSGT James Penn  (R)

next stop - 90th Replacement Battalion - below



The  90th Replacement Battalion  in  Long Binh - 1969


the greatest words  you will ever hear  from a loud speaker.

- - - - -

" ATTENTION  in the compound.

All  ETS,  PCS  and  Special Leave  Personnel   in Group  67-xxx

report to Assembly Area  xx  and  be prepared to move out !


twelve hours later

" The plane has landed.   The Local Time is California is  xx.

- - - - -

normally two hours earlier and one calendar day before the day you left Vietnam

because of the  International Date Line  and the  Time Zones.




The Greatest Day of My Tour


Sun Rise


September 1, 1967



"California,  California   Here We  Come,

Back,  Back  Where We Started From ...

- - -

Everyone has a home which is unique and special.

  There is no place like home !



My Father told me ...


the Body Grows Old


the Mind Stays Young.

Joseph M. Napp

1-LT QMC - Supply Officer

Plantation Fire Base 1966


Joe Napp and Daughter Jessica

Thanksgiving  2020

Covid Beard, No Glasses - Lasik


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