Last Revision: 15 Aug 2011 - Links to DAGO web sites and awards to MACV Teams
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Shoulder Sleeve Insignia, Former Wartime Service
Combat Patch
we were all members of the
Second Field Force, Vietnam
and it is the correct patch to wear on your right sleeve.
Many of us were ATTACHED to units in the field
and it is incorrect to wear their unit patch. |
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Service Ribbons
for every member of the unit
worn above left side shirt pocket
Vietnam Service Medal
(center above)
at least one and up to four
Bronze Star Device(s)

for participation in each campaign below (in bold)
and / or
Silver Star Device(s)
one silver star for participation in five campaigns
two silver stars for participation in ten campaigns
for your "in-country" service time
with the
2nd Civil Affairs Company
19 November 1966 - 27 July 1971
12 Campaigns
Advisory |
15 March 1962 - 7 March 1965 |
8 March 1965 - 24 December 1965
25 December 1965 - 30 June 1966
Counteroffensive, Phase II
1 July 1966 - 31 May 1967
Counteroffensive, Phase III
1 June 1967 - 29 January 1968
30 January 1968 - 1 April 1968
Counteroffensive, Phase IV
2 April 1968 - 30 June 1968
Counteroffensive, Phase V
1 July 1968 - 1 November 1968
Counteroffensive, Phase VI
2 November 1968 - 22 February 1969
23 February 1969 - 8 June 1969
9 June 1969 - 31 October 1969
1 November 1969 - 30 April 1970
Sanctuary Counteroffensive
1 May 1970 - 30 June 1970
Counteroffensive, Phase VII
1 July 1970 - 30 June 1971
1 July 1971 - 30 November 1971
1 December 1971 - 29 March 1972
30 March 1972 - 28 January 1973
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Commendation Awards
earned by every Officer and Man
who served in the Company
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United States Army
Meritorious Unit Commendations
awarded three times

All of the Officers and Men of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service during
19 November 1966 to 29 February 1968
1 March 1968 to 31 May 1969
1 June 1969 to 31 July 1970
most units receive One Commendation,
only a few units receive Two Commendations,
it is very unusual for a unit to receive Three Commendations ! |
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United States Army
Meritorious Unit Commendation
After the 2nd CA was deactivated,
Third Regional Assistance Command (TRAC)
evaluated the performance of the 2nd CA up to the deactivation date,
and then TRAC prepared and recommended the
Fourth Award of the Meritorious Unit Commendation to the 2nd CA
the 4th Award (or 3rd Oak Leaf Cluster = 3 OLC)
was disapproved by HQ, USARV in Saigon
Proposed Meritorious Award and the Disapproval
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Republic of Vietnam
Gallantry Cross with Palm

All of the Officers and Men of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for our Company's service from 19 Nov 66 to 27 Jul 71
as a subordinate unit of the
U.S. Army, Vietnam
20 Jul 65 to 28 Mar 73 |
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Republic of Vietnam
Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class

All of the Officers and Men of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service during
1 Mar 1968 to 31 May 1969 |
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Webmaster's Opinion
Every Man and every Officer that ever served in the 2nd CA
should have been awarded the Vietnamese Civil Action Honor Medal
for the work they performed, each and every day of their tour.
Unfortunately, the Republic of Vietnam ceased to exist when
Saigon surrendered to the Communists on 30 Apr 1975.
The award dates should have been amended to
19 Nov 1966 to 27 Jul 1971 |
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Special Awards
Selected Platoons
for services during certain periods of time
worn above right side shirt pocket
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United States Army
Presidential Unit Citation

to the
3rd AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division
during the Battle at Fire Base GOLD - Suoi Tre, RVN
21 March 1967 |
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United States Army
Presidential Unit Citation

to the
10th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division
during the Battle at Fire Base GOLD - Suoi Tre, RVN
21 March 1967
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United States Army
Meritorious Unit Commendation

to the
12th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
173rd Airborne Brigade (Separate)
Dec 66 - 4 May 1967
DAGO 1968-48 (Page 22) |
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Republic of Vietnam
Gallantry Cross with Palm

to the
7th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service initially with
1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
and later for service with
HQ, 25th Infantry Division
Aug 67 - Jan 68 |
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Republic of Vietnam
Gallantry Cross with Palm

to the
8th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
Aug 67 - Jan 68 |
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Republic of Vietnam
Gallantry Cross with Palm

to the
9th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
2nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
Aug 67 - Jan 68 |
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Republic of Vietnam
Gallantry Cross with Palm

to the
10th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division
under the OPCON of the 25th Infantry Division
later reflagged on August 14, 1967 to the
3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
Aug 67 - Jan 68 |
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Republic of Vietnam
Gallantry Cross with Palm

to the
15th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
Aug 67 - Jan 68 |
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Republic of Vietnam
Gallantry Cross with Palm

to the
6th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for service with
25th Infantry Division
23 Mar 68 - 31 Aug 68
the Platoon at Tay Ninh
was renumbered on March 1, 1968
from the 8th Platoon (Brigade) to the 6th Platoon (MACV) |
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DAGO 1969-21 (Page 3)
DAGO 1971-48 (Page 5) |
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Special Military Medals
awared to
Selected Platoons
based upon
"Attached Unit" Status
worn above right side shirt pocket
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United States Army
Meritorious Unit Commendation

was awarded to
Civil Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS)
MACV Advisory Teams
43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 67, 86, 89, 90, 91 and 98
and to their assigned and attached units
for service from
15-Apr-70 thru 15-Apr-72
in the III-CTZ
as per DAGO 11, 73
- - - - -
The "Attached Units" included the 2nd CA's
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th,
10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th and 19th AA Platoons
The Officers and Men of these platoons
are entitled to wear this Meritorious Unit Award
if they were "present for duty"
for at least 30 days during the award period above
and because
those Platoons had been previously attached to
those MACV Teams
on written orders from II Field Force, Vietnam
effective 1-Mar-68.
- - - - -
Sorry to report the General Order above
did not include the
8th and 13th Platoons who were in the IV-CTZ
and did not include the
Company Headquarters Staff. |
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DAGO 21, 69
"Vietnamese Unit Awards may be worn on the military uniform on a permanent basis by personnel who (1) were assigned to and present for duty with the unit at any time during the period cited; or (2) attached by competent orders to and present for duty with the unit during the entire period or for 30 consecutive days of the period of the action cited."
The Platoons of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company were, in fact, "attached by written orders" from II Field Force, Vietnam to the several U.S. Army Divisions, Brigades, Artillery Groups from 19 Nov 66 until 29 Feb 68 and later to MACV Teams from 1 Mar 68 until deactivation on 27 Jul 71.
Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class

was awarded to
All of the Officers and Men of the
United States Marine Corps
to their assigned and attached units
which included 'attached units' from
the U.S. Army,
the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Navy
for their service in the I-CTZ from 1965 thru 1973.
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The Officers and Men of the 2nd Civil Affairs
11th, 15th and 17th AA Platoons
are entitled to wear this award
if they were "present for duty" for at least 30 days
from 1 Dec 68 through 8 Mar 70
because the
11th, 15th and 17th AA Platoons were fully attached to the
United States Army's 29th Civil Affairs Company
which was habitually under the Operational Control (Op Con)
of the
USMC's Third Marine Amphibious Force (III MAF),
the controlling corps-level headquarters
for all branches of the U.S. Military in the I-CTZ. |
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Republic of Vietnam
Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class

was awarded to
All of the Officers and Men
of the
2nd Civil Affairs Platoons
listed below
who were attached to the following units
from 15 Dec 1966 through 29 Feb 1968
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1st Infantry Division (DAGO 53, 70) - 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 20th AA Platoons
4th Infantry Division (DAGO 53, 70) - 8th and 10th AA Platoons
9th Infantry Division (DAGO 59, 69) - 4th, 5th, 6th and 18th AA Platoons
25th Infantry Division (DAGO 51, 71) - 6th, 7th, 9th and 15th AA Platoons
199th Infantry Brigade (DAGO 51, 71) - 13th AA Platoon
II-FFV Artillery (DAGO 51, 71) - 19th AA Platoon
23rd Artillery Group (DAGO 51, 71) - 17th AA Platoon
54th Artillery Group (DAGO 51, 71) - 16th AA Platoon
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"Vietnamese Unit Awards may be worn on the military uniform on a permanent basis by personnel who (1) were assigned to and present for duty with the unit at any time during the period cited; or (2) attached by competent orders to and present for duty with the unit during the entire period or for 30 consecutive days of the period of the action cited."
The Platoons of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company listed above were "attached" by written orders from HQ, II Field Force, Vietnam to the U.S. Infantry Divisions and to Separate Infantry Brigades as well as to the U.S. Field Artillery Groups listed above from the initial deployment of the First Increment Platoons (Nos. 1-13) on 15 Dec 66 and the later deployment of the Second Increment Platoons (Nos.15-22) beginning in June 1967 until their transfer to the MACV Provincial Advisory Teams on 29 Feb 68.
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Regretfully, the Government of Vietnam did not specifically recognize the civic action work coordinated by the G-5, II Field Force, Vietnam or the civic action work actually performed by the men of 101st Airborne Division, the 173rd Airborne Brigade, the 196th Infantry Brigade and the 11th Armored Cavalry during the attachment period. Thus the 11th, 12th, 14th, 21st and 22nd AA Platoons as well as CA Teams Nos. 31-37 and the Members of the Headquarters Detachment (Team AB), 2nd Civil Affairs Company were not specifically recognized for their civic action work during the attachment period. Official recognition for the 14th Platoon may have been forgotten because it was "attached to" the Royal Australian Task Force, Vietnam. |
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Vietnam Logistics and Support Medal

to the
14th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
attached to the
Royal Australian Task Force, Vietnam
Jan 1967 - Feb 1968 |
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Looking for information about
Vietnam Era Unit Awards and General Orders
check your unit first
Unit Participation Credits - DA 672-3
then check the Order itself
Department of the Army General Orders for Unit Awards (DAGOs)
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Republic of Vietnam
Civilian Medals
awarded for individual achievement
to selected U.S. and Allied Military Personnel
for their Special Meritorious Service
Decorations and Medals from the Republic of Vietnam
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Republic of Vietnam
Public Health Medal

to the
6th AA Platoon, 2nd Civil Affairs Company
for the construction of
a two story 40 Bed Tuberculosis Hospital, Tay Ninh
December 14, 1970 |
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Republic of Vietnam
Armed Forces Honor Medal

awarded to selected
Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Company
named on ARVN Military Orders
and to other
U.S. Military Officers and Men
who have actively contributed to the
formation and organization of the Vietnamese Military units
and / or
who have actively participated in the
training of the cadre for Vietnamese RF-PF units. |
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Republic of Vietnam
Rural Revolutionary Development Medal
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Republic of Vietnam
Hamlet Common Defense Medal
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Republic of Vietnam
Ethnic Minority Development Medal
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Republic of Vietnam
Distinguished Service Medal

for meritorious or heroic deeds for both combat and non-combat service |
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Republic of Vietnam
Civil Action Medal

a personal award for meritorious civil action support
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Republic of Vietnam
National Order Service Ribbon
5th Class

a personal award for gallantry |
If your Platoon was included on other orders by a major unit
please advise the Web Site Manager
so your platoon can be individually recognized.
United States Army
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal

a personal award to the
Members of the 2nd Civil Affairs Detachment
for their service during the Cuban Crisis
October 27 to December 3, 1962
If you have
New Information, Corrections or Suggestions
please contact